Austin laughs again. “Now you’re thirty-one and he’s twenty-six. You’re both adults. And seriously, I mean, if Liam was my friend, would it have been a problem? If he was the one who was nineteen when you were fourteen?”

I chew on my lip. What he’s saying is true and I want to be all female power about it and pretend I don’t care, but I’m hung up on it for some reason. “I guess you have a point.”

My phone dings again and I try to bite down my smile, but Austin points. “That’s the emotion you want to focus on right now.” He glances behind him. “Now, I need to get out of here before Grandma Dori finds me. She wants to come over for dinner, and I really don’t want to answer all her questions about us trying to have a baby. I’m going to kill Phoenix.” He snaps his fingers. “Actually, if you move in with Liam, can Phoenix stay at your house? Maybe she and Denver can live there.”

“I’m not moving.”

Shit. I haven’t even thought about moving back into my house. I mean, it’s been so long since I lived there. The thought of going back kind of depresses me now that I think of it. Liam has a better couch and all the kitchen gadgets you could want. His bed is pretty great too.

“I’ll let you contemplate that.”

Austin looks down the hallway before sliding out of my office as if rumor hasn’t already spread that he’s here. Just as he’s slipping down the hallway, Grandma Dori comes into view. He stops, his shoulders sagging a bit, but he opens his arms to hug her.

I laugh when he glances over her shoulder at me, then I return to my desk to read Liam’s texts. It’s going to be a long night of waiting for him to finish work. Somehow, it just doesn’t feel like home unless he’s there.