In fact, if it weren’t for her lacy black thong, I might have thought the whole thing was a dream.
Which it kind of was.
Everything about being with her had exceeded my expectations. From how good it felt to have my hands on her tiny waist while I kissed her on my balcony to seeing her hair strewn across my pillows, from seeing her hand on my dick to being inside her.
I felt like I fucking belonged there.
And to be honest, I hadn’t felt like I really belonged anywhere since I had to quit the team. I hated not feeling like enough in other people’s eyes, feeling like an imposter. And no matter what I did lately, I couldn’t change the way they saw me.
The players on the team felt sorry for me.
My friends felt bad for me.
My parents thought I went from being full of potential to a guy hell bent on throwing his life away.
But Lucy never made me feel that way. She always made me feel like I was enough, like I had nothing to be ashamed of and every reason to be proud.
And she never bullshitted me or cut me down.
Plus, she’d always been there.
And finally seeing her for the woman that she was felt like the luckiest thing that had happened to me in a long time.