“Monday morning.”

“Why Monday?” Saturday night when I had a belly full of Bud Light seemed a perfect time to kiss and make up.

“Because there’s something I need to do tomorrow,” he said. “And also, you’re adorably drunk.”

“I’m not that drunk,” I insisted, my cheeks fiery under his gaze.

He tucked some hair behind my ear. “Sleep on it.”

I didn’t need to sleep on it. I was ready to skip to the part where we had makeup sex so explosive it erased the memory of the last two weeks.

He laid a gentle kiss on my hairline.

“Don’t be a tease,” I scolded, pushing his solid chest away.

“Seems like a step up from an asshole.”

I scowled. “Remind me what I’m sleeping on again?”

“Whether I have permission to officially woo you.”

I scrunched my face. “Officially? What was all that stuff before?”

“Practice woo.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You can give me your verdict in the morning.”

“How would you like it delivered?” I asked, playing along. “Behind closed doors or in front of the court?”

“All will be revealed,” he said, a grateful smile gracing his face.

“That’s your big plan?” I asked. “You’re want to regain my trust by playing games?”

“Not just any games,” he said, his eyes sparkling like he relished being underestimated. “Romantic games designed to make you defenseless to my charms.”

I squinted at him and gave my invisible beard a stroke. “I’ll sleep on it.”