“It’s great to see you, too,” she said, giving Steve a quick peck before turning back to me.

“I tried to get your big news out of him, but he insisted it was yours to tell.”

She threw her batting lashes his way for a moment before thrusting her left hand in my direction.

“Oh my god!” I grabbed her outstretched fingers and smiled at the modest engagement ring. “You guys are getting married?!” My eyes flicked back up to hers and her sparkling smile was all the confirmation I needed.

“Can’t quite believe it myself,” Steve said, throwing an arm over Kiki’s shoulder and laying a kiss on her temple as she beamed at me.

“Congratulations,” I said, letting go of her hand and sliding off my stool. “That’s wonderful news.” I wrapped my arms around them and hugged them both tight like I needed to be hugged. And they squeezed me back in unison, oblivious to how much I needed the hurt wrung out of me. But it was no use. Their embrace wasn’t the one I needed, the one I craved. The one I missed like crazy.

“Of course I’ll be a bridesmaid,” I agreed, smiling as they took turns telling me how Steve had proposed. But inside, I was miles away, wondering what Quinn wanted to get off his chest and whether my wounded heart would even be willing to listen.