She sighed and let her head fall to the right. “I’m waiting.”
“It’s this guy I’m seeing.”
“Obviously,” she said. “What’s the problem?”
“I think we broke up.”
Her brown eyes narrowed. “You think?”
I shrugged. “We weren’t officially going out, so it’s hard to say.”
“What were his exact words?”
I swallowed, promising myself I wouldn’t cry. “I don’t like myself with you, and I want you to see other people.”
Her mouth stretched like the nervous emoji. “That seems pretty definitive.”
“It’s nothing compared to all the nice things he’s said, though. All the nice things he’s done.” I shook my head. “Something doesn’t add up.”
“You think there’s someone else?”
“So why would he say those things?” she asked. “Is he one of those guys that can’t cope with commitment?”
“I think it’s something like that, but I never asked him to commit to me. I mean, I made a joke about our four-month anniversary, but—”
Her neck shot forward. “Four months?!”
Oh shit.
“I had no idea it was that serious,” she said. “I thought you’d only been on a handful of dates.”
“It has only been a handful,” I said. “But we’ve spent a lot of…leisure time together.”
She hung her head and rubbed her eyes with one hand.
“What?” I asked, desperate to know what she was thinking.
She dropped her hand and fixed me in her gaze. “Time to fess up.”
A rush of warmth colored my cheeks.
“He’s not really a ginger accountant, is he?”
I shook my head slowly.
“He’s Quinn.”
My eyes pleaded with her for a split second, telling her everything she needed to know.
“Oh Maddy.”
“I don’t want your pity.”
“I don’t pity you,” she said. “I empathize.”
My stomach clenched. Please don’t say you’ve hooked up with him, too. I’ll die. I’ll die right here, right now.