“Has she been acting strange?” he asked. “Give me something?”

“Her mood seems to have improved,” I admitted. “But I assumed she was just finally feeling settled in her internship.”

“I suppose that’s good news,” he grumbled.

“You don’t sound too happy about it.”

“She’s vulnerable,” he said. “And her optimism tends to lead her astray.”

“She’s not as vulnerable as you think.”

“You don’t know her as well as I do,” he said, which irritated me to a surprising degree. After all, I knew how she liked her eggs. I knew what songs she sang in the shower, though nine out of ten times she went with Colors of the Wind. I also knew all the ways she liked to wet my dick. Hell, I’d say I knew her pretty well, but I doubted those fun facts would impress her brother. “She’s too trusting,” he continued. “She thrives best when people look out for her and make sure she’s not being taken advantage of.”

“I’m looking out for her.”

“I know, I know,” he said. “And it’s not that I don’t trust you.”

My stomach sank.

“I just…the guy’s sending her stuff at work, and I hate the idea that she might be seduced by a few cheap gestures.”

“What kind of stuff?” I asked, surprised that news of my mission to make sure her boss learn her name had already reached the UK.

“I don’t know. Flowers, chocolates. That kind of thing.”

“Sounds like a real monster. I’ll be sure to find out where he lives right away and go give him a piece of my mind.”

“I’m being serious,” he said. “I’m worried about her.”

“What you are is Big Brother in all the worst senses of the word,” I argued, ignoring the flashing light on my landline that indicated my receptionist wanted something. “Why don’t you give her some breathing room? I know you think nobody’s good enough for her but—”

“Nobody is,” he answered quickly. “Nobody I’ve ever met, anyway.”

I swallowed the disappointment that soured the back of my throat. “Right. In that case, I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“I guess there’s not much you can do if she hasn’t talked to you about it.”

“Believe it or not, your sister has repeatedly declined my generous offers to be her shrink.”

He scoffed. “Good one. You’d be the shittiest shrink ever.”

“You don’t think I give good advice?”

“It’s not that,” he said. “I just don’t think selfishness is a great quality in a psychologist.”


“Don’t get me wrong. I think you’re swell,” he said, perhaps cognizant of the fact that he hadn’t exactly paid me a compliment. “But I suppose it doesn’t surprise me that Maddy hasn’t opened up to you.”

I bit my tongue and tried to convince myself his amusing naïvety was sufficient consolation for his rudeness. “Well, if she does, you’ll be the first to know.”