“Wouldn’t a promotion be proof that he appreciates your hard work?” I could see that talking about his dad made him uncomfortable, but I could be a lot more supportive if I understood where he was coming from.

“I guess,” he said. “But to be honest, I’d settle for a pat on the back. I’m not crazy enough to ask for a fucking hug, but—”

“He doesn’t hug you?”

Quinn laughed, but there was pain in his eyes. “That’s a joke, right? I’m not sure the guy knows what a hug is. Not that I need a hug. I’d just like to be acknowledged.”

So that’s where you get your stoicism, I thought, wondering whether it was nature or nurture.

“I don’t mean to complain. He did give me a solid shoulder squeeze when I graduated from college.”

My eyes grew wide as the reality of his dad’s frigidity sank in. “Didn’t you graduate from college, like, six years ago?”

“Sounds kind of shit when you say it like that.”

I knew he’d resent being pitied so I tried not to pull a face. “Do you like the job?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Of course. And I like having my dad’s back. He’s done a lot for me, and I enjoy helping him grow his business.”

I hoped his sudden defensiveness wasn’t because he regretted being so honest. “You know who gives really great hugs?”

He seemed startled by my new line of questioning.

I wiggled my brows until his deep laugh shattered his serious expression.

“Good to know,” he said, his eyes softening. “You’re a real sweetheart, Maddy. I’m glad we did this.”

I pretended to wipe my brow with the back of my hand. “Thanks. I was worried for a second when Alicia showed up that you might be embarrassed to be seen with me.”

“Embarrassed?” His strong jaw retracted. “Are you kidding?! The moment you walked in was the highlight of my week. I’ve never been prouder to be seen with anyone.”

My cheeks burned. I didn’t know how much more of his flattery I could take, but I wasn’t about to stop him when his every compliment was like water to a wilting plant.

“The only thing I’m embarrassed by is the fact that I keep wishing this meal away so I can get you home sooner and show you what I’m really hungry for.”

I swallowed as my lower body clenched. “You really think you’re going to have room for dessert after all this feasting?”

“You call this feasting?” he asked, his gaze flicking down at the spread of appetizers between us.

I nodded. “I do, yeah.”

His blue eyes darkened until they matched the night sky behind him. “You have a lot to learn, woman.”

A billow of warmth rose through my body. “Teach me?”

He smiled as if filth had flooded his mind. “With pleasure.”