- Madeline -

Quinn Draper was flirting with me, and I was loving every second of it, even though the guy was so handsome it would’ve been less dangerous to stare at the sun.

Yet there was something about him that put me at ease. Maybe it was the fact that he was so attentive or the fact that, unlike most guys I’d been out with, he was treating me like I was the only woman in the room. Which was impressive considering the bevy of gorgeous women around, many of whom were flaunting their expensive melon boobs like they were ripe for ogling.

But he didn’t seem to notice, and the way he’d blown Alicia off gave me a boost I hadn’t realized I needed. Then again, maybe that’s how my dad made my mom feel when they first met. Maybe that’s why she fell in love with him…and ultimately, why she was so easily manipulated by him when he fell on hard times. Not that I was my mother, but I was skeptical of men who were suspiciously smooth. And while I was having an amazing time with Quinn, he was basically the poster boy for things that seem too good to be true.

That said, as I watched him lick the bruschetta’s spicy olive oil off his lips, I forgot my anxieties and reminded myself to enjoy the moment. After all, it was nice to feel dazzling for a change. Nice to be dazzled.

“So tell me more about the big win you had today,” I said, using a parmesan crisp to scoop some spinach dip from the stiletto-shaped dish between us.

“It’s no big deal,” he said, grabbing a crisp of his own. “Long story short, I signed a basketball player from Indianapolis that a lot of other agencies have been gunning for.”

“Why do you think he went with you?”

Quinn shrugged. “Hard to say. I hope it’s because he believes I have his best interests at heart.”

“That’s cool that you earned his trust. I’m sure it was a big decision for him.”

“No doubt.”

I cocked my head. “So why don’t you seem happier about it?”

“I am,” he said, swirling the ice in his glass. “Well, I’m happy that I signed him. He’ll have his pick of teams in the fall, and it’ll be exciting to help him negotiate a good contract.”

“I feel a but coming on.” I leaned forward, dipping my head to catch his eye so he’d know I genuinely cared.

“It’s stupid,” he said. “Forget it.”

“Oh my god, just tell me. I’m a broke intern whose boss doesn’t even know her name, remember? I’m hardly in a position to judge.”

“You’re going to think I’m a brat.”

I rolled my eyes. “I will if you don’t just spill it.”

He sighed. “I’m worried I might get promoted.”

My eyes shrank into tiny crescents. “Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Most people want to get promoted.”

“Yeah, well. I’m not most people.”

“Is it because you work for your dad?” I asked. “Are you worried people will think you don’t deserve it?”

“No, it’s not that. Everyone was surprised I didn’t make partner last year.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“My golden handcuffs are already too tight,” he said, leaning back and turning his watch around his wrist. “I’m afraid if I’m given any more responsibility, I won’t be able to walk away.”

“Is that what you want? To do your own thing?”

He ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know. Maybe. I think what I’d really like is some evidence that my dad actually appreciates how hard I work for his company.”

My brow furrowed. “Why do you think he doesn’t appreciate you?”

“He does. I know he does. He’s just not the type of guy that would ever show it or say it.”