“What are you drinking?” she asked, eyeing the highball glass in front of me, which only had a few sips of bourbon left.

I leaned over and let my shoulder rest against hers as I eyed the menu and tried to recall the name. “That one,” I said, pointing halfway down the list. “The Bomber Jacket.”

She brought the menu a few inches closer and read the short list of italic ingredients.

“Want to taste it?”

“I’m not sure I like bourbon.”

I slid the glass towards her.

She lifted it slowly and kept her eyes on me as she gave it a sniff. “Wow,” she said, blinking like the scent had burned her eyes.

I raised my brows.

“Smells like topless cowboys.”

I scowled at her. “Don’t ruin it for me.”

She smiled and took a small sip before licking her glossy lips.

“What do you think?”

“I think it tastes like paint stripper.”

I laughed. “Good of you to try it. What would you like?”

Her puckered lips twisted. “I’m torn between the Skinny Tie Martini and The LBD.”

“Go with the LBD,” I said, knowing she’d like the blackcurrant flavor. “You can get a martini anywhere.”


I flagged down the bartender, ordered our drinks, and added two Leg Warmers to the request. When I turned back to look at her, her pupils were question marks. “They’re shots,” I said. “Good ones.”

“Do they make your legs warm?”

“You’ll have to wait and see,” I said, flashing my brows at her. “By the way, I’m sorry I couldn’t swing by and pick you up like we planned.”

“That’s alright. It was easier to get ready without thinking you were standing outside my room, gearing up to make me change my outfit.”

I parted my lips to defend my previous actions, but she spoke first.

“Did you finish whatever you were working on?”

“It wasn’t work that held me up,” I said. “I got delayed because everyone wanted to pat me on the back for landing a big contract I’ve been after for months.”


“Thanks. Unfortunately, I got the impression everyone thought I’d want to take them out for drinks to celebrate. Pretty sure I’m the office asshole now.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Of course. Someone else is bound to assume the throne eventually. Besides, people expect so much less of you when you’re an asshole.”

Maddy nodded. “Wish I was more like that.”

“You wouldn’t believe the time you save when you cut out pleasantries.” I drained the rest of my drink and slid it away from me so one of the bartenders would know to pick it up.