- Quinn -

I’d never surrendered to anyone like that before, and I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t feel bad about it. If anything, I was pleased. Smug even.

Every second of the memory made me smile, from the way Maddy tightened her grip on me when I tangled my hands in her hair to the way she blushed up at me afterwards. Even the way she buttered her Belgian waffle at the diner around the corner made parts of my body swell that had been dormant for a decade.

It was so damn cute. I’d never seen anyone lavish so much care and attention on brunch. She completely lost herself in the task, making sure every deep square had a shallow puddle of liquid gold in it before even contemplating the selection of syrups on offer. And to think she’d put just as much affection into milking me like a goddamn juice bar. Fuck.

She was a goddess, and I was in trouble. Not that there was anything unusual about finding joy in a blowjob. Having a woman’s lips stretched around my throbbing length was a sensational feeling. But once the afterglow of my orgasm dimmed, I’d always been able to move on with my life without obsessing over what transpired. Without becoming infatuated.

Except that didn’t happen this time. On the contrary, it was still all I could think about. Or rather, she was all I could think about. Her sweet kisses. Her perfect curves. Her candy center, which I had yet to taste. Yet being the operative word.

Forget worrying about the line I’d crossed. It wasn’t even visible on the horizon now. A week ago, I had two options. Keep my dick in my pants where it belongs or investigate the gnawing craving I had for my best friend’s little sister. But now that option one was out the window, it only seemed right to see how deep my feelings for her ran.

What choice did I have? Best-case scenario was that this thing between us ran its course before James got back. Then Maddy and I wouldn’t have any regrets or unanswered questions or nagging “what ifs,” and he’d never be the wiser. It was the only way forward. The only way I’d ever get her out of my system. Because never tasting her candy center seemed a fate worse than death.

I reached over my lobster roll for my red ale, wondering if the crowded seafood restaurant was playing music somewhere underneath the bustle of the lunch rush.

“So have you told James?” Tanner asked, flicking his eyes at me before dropping his attention to the pile of crab claws in front of him.

“Told him what?”

“That you’re sleeping with his sister.”

I did my best to feign surprise. “Excuse me?”

He scowled in a way that told me he wasn’t in the mood to humor any bull.

“I’m not sleeping with her,” I said, because it was the truth, albeit not one I was entirely comfortable admitting.

“Jesus,” he groaned. “It’s bad enough that you’re treating James like a schmuck. The least you could do is not treat me like one, too.”

“I’m not sleeping with her.”

“Then you’re a goddamn fool,” he said, cracking a crab shell with the shiny metal pincher that came with his meal.

“Care to elaborate?”

“You both obviously want to jump each other’s bones.”

I eyed him skeptically. “Since when do you play cupid?”

“You threw the game for her, asswipe. That is not normal behavior.”

“I was trying to be a gentleman,” I lied. “She’s been having a shit time at work and—”

“Save it. If you really wanted to cheer her up, you’d give her one.”

Right or not, he was certainly telling me what I wanted to hear. “What about James?”

“You have months to figure that out.”

I shook my head. “You just want to see me get my ass whooped.”

“Maybe I’ve misread the situation,” he said, raising his palms. “Maybe there’s some other reason you seem distracted.”

“I’m not distracted.”