Page 11 of Saved (Surrender)

She sighed against his lips as he pushed himself inside her hot core. They didn’t talk as he picked up his pace while reaching below his wife to position her just right. They were both groaning and reaching as their bodies slammed against each other.

That magical moment of bliss happened as Ari clenched him tightly through another orgasm, tugging his own pleasure straight from his very soul. They shook together for long moments until he collapsed against her, his stress gone, his soul lighter.

She held him tight as he remained in her arms, the safest, happiest place he could be. Their night had just started, but in only a short time, he was one hundred percent better. That’s what Ari did for him.

When he found enough energy, he turned and pulled her against him, rubbing up and down her back.

“Rafe, I’m so happy to be your wife, and I want you to always be happy. Tonight is only about us; tomorrow, think about your friendship that’s lasted too long to throw away without knowing for sure what the facts are.”

Rafe didn’t know what to say so he said nothing. Instead he sat up, scooped his wife into his arms, and marched to the bathroom to start the shower. He wasn’t sure if he could do exactly what Ari wanted, but he could at least forget about everything for the night. He should have a PhD in worshipping his wife’s body. He never had liked being an underachiever though, so he might just go for his next doctorate right away.

He smiled as he dropped to his knees in front of Ari while the hot water slid over them. Her screams of pleasure were the best reward he could ever have . . .

Chapter Six


It was late before Ella got home. She changed into her favorite pajamas, made a hot cup of tea with extra sugar and cream, then curled up on her sofa, deciding to binge-watch Friends. She’d seen every episode a few times, but it was her favorite to put on when there was a lot on her mind. She didn’t have to pay much attention, but there’d still be lines that would break through her thoughts and make her laugh.Pivot. . . She needed laughter at the moment.

It was about nine in the evening and she was getting ready to go to bed when she heard a knock on her door. No one ever came to her place, and never at night. If someone was trying to sell stuff, they weren’t too bright to show up at such a late hour. Then again, if they showed up at a stoner’s place with snacks they might be able to make a killing. She wouldn’t mind a few Oreos to be honest . . . and she didn’t even do drugs.

She moved to the door and didn’t think twice about opening it. Maybe she’d lived too long without crime because she should’ve at least called out to see who it was. When she opened the door, she realized she’d rather it was a criminal than the person giving her a disgusting fake smile.

“Ella,” he said as he held out his arms, making her take a step back. She didn’t want the man’s hands on her, not for a second.

“What are you doing here, Dad?” she asked, her voice cold.

Without permission, the man she hadn’t seen in twenty years stepped inside her apartment. His hair was now grey, and his body was actually bulkier with more muscle, and there was no doubt he’d aged, but it was alsoveryclear it was her father. He didn’t say anything as he looked around her small apartment.

“I asked what you are doing here,” she said, leaving her door open. She didn’t know this man, and shereallydidn’t trust him. She didn’t want to be shut inside with him. The fact that he was at her door was bad news. He’d written her a few letters from prison, but she’d never responded. He hadn’t been a good father when she’d lived with him, and she was sure prison hadn’t helped to shape him into a better man. He wore an old suit that was too tight on him. She wondered if it was the same suit he’d gone to prison in when he’d been arrested. He shouldn’t have any money to his name so she wasn’t sure how he was getting around.

He’d been out of prison for about a year she believed, and she hadn’t bothered looking him up. She was sure he was up to something as he always was. If it wasn’t one scheme, it was another. She didn’t want to be in his path of destruction.

“I wanted to see my little girl. You’ve sure grown up,” he told her. It wasn’t a creepy voice, but she felt a chill rush down her spine anyway.Howwas she related to this man? No wonder her mother had run. She could understand her desire to leave. What she couldn’t forgive was her mother knew who this man was and she’d still left her daughter with him. That was just pure evil.

“I’m not your little girl. I want nothing to do with you,” she told him. Her voice grew stronger as she stood with her arms crossed. How had she lived through ten years in this man’s life?

He looked from her to her meager belongings and the disgust in his expression had her more on edge than anything else. How dare the man judge her for what she had or didn’t have? She’d earned all she had by the sweat of her own brow. She’d never be a criminal like he was. She could be proud of where she was compared to where she’d begun.

“Whether you like it or not, youarea part of me. We’re one and the same,” her father said. She wanted to throw up.

“I want you to leave,” she told him. She was still standing by the door. He grinned at her, showing his perfectly white teeth. How in the heck were they so clean and straight when he’d been in prison for so long? She was sure he’d been as big of a schmoozer in prison as he was out of it.

“I’ve heard about the will, Ella. It’s time you and I collaborate. That family cost us time together and we’re going to get our revenge,” he said, laughing, like they were partners. That wasn’t ever going to happen.

Her stomach turned. “How do you know anything about it?” she snapped.

He paced her tiny apartment like a caged animal. He was a beast as far as she was concerned. He was a predator looking out for only himself. There had been many times in her life she’d been jealous of kids who had loving parents. Why had she been stuck with the two she’d been given? Maybe she’d been evil in a past life and this was her punishment. She might believe that if she believed in the supernatural.

“I still have friends,plentyof friends. I’m going to stick around for a while.” There was no doubt at all in her mind that this was a threat. She squared her shoulders. The man wouldn’t get a dime of Nana Bee’s money if she had any say in it.

“I want you to leave now or I’m calling the cops,” she told him.

She saw a spark of anger in his gaze, but he covered it very quickly. He smiled at her again and took a menacing step toward her. She didn’t budge. She wasn’t going to show this man fear . . . never again . . . she’d die first.

“Be careful, Ella. We’re talking about alotof money here, and Ialwaysget what I’m owed,” he told her.

She didn’t say a word as she felt the stinging pressure of tears in her eyes. She pushed the emotion down. He seemed to decide to change tactics as he smiled.