Page 36 of Saved (Surrender)

He threw his head back and laughed. Damn, she enjoyed the sound a little too much. “What?”

“I love how honest you are. A lot of women I know would put up a big fuss at being spoiled while they secretly hold out their hand.”

“I’m not good at pretending,” she said with a shrug.

“I’m glad. It’s very refreshing,” he said. “Now though, we need to get going. If we don’t, we might not get out of this room, and that isn’t what I promised you.”

She couldn’t decide if she was disappointed or not. If he kissed her, she’d gladly fall into his arms. He was close enough that the heat from his body tried to engulf her own. She turned and looked at the water below them, feeling at peace and aroused at the same time. It was an odd sensation.

Bass wrapped his arms around her, his fingers closing against her stomach. She leaned back against him, feeling safe and warm right where she was. She didn’t have any desire to leave.

Though Ella didn’t search for men, Bass was different. It felt like home in his arms. There was no one she’d ever felt so safe with . . . well, except for Nana Bee, and the feeling Bass inspired inside her was totally different from that with Nana Bee . . . thankfully. That thought made her laugh.

“What plans did you make at the last minute?” she asked. He held her a little tighter for a minute before he leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. Unlike the creepy vibe she’d had from her old boss, that kiss sent pleasure throughout her body.

“You have to trust me and come along to find out,” he said before he kissed her neck again, making her knees weak.

“Maybe we could just stay here,” she said, both excited at the thought and slightly disappointed. She wanted to know the plans he’d managed to make. It was still early in the day. She was hungry, but the new hunger filling her body outrode the growling of her stomach.

“You deserve more than a night in the sheets. You deserve to be wowed. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to get you into my bed, but I want you to know you mean more to me than a night in the sack. I want to make you feel special before I make you scream out in pleasure.”

“You do make me feel special, Bass. Even if this is only for a day, that won’t change. I enjoy being with you. I’m not stressed or sad. Things get to me too often, and I’m not going to let that happen tonight.”

“Good. Now, let’s go. We have an appointment,” he said.

“How did you do it last minute?” she asked again as he let her go. She wanted his arms back around her as soon as they were gone.

“I have connections. I don’t throw my money around all of the time, but when I want something, I usually get it. Maybe it’s because I’m a great tipper,” he said with a wink.

“I can’t imagine living where you can literally get anything you want at any time you want,” she said with a sigh.

“You could have anything you want, Ella. You’re brilliant and you’re motivated. Never underestimate what you can do. You might’ve forgotten, but there was a time I was just like you. I showed up at Nana Bee’s to rob her. She changed my life and opened my eyes. There will never be a day I’ll forget that. I’ve loved her since that day, and I’ll do all I can to honor her memory.”

There were no better words he could say. She loved how much he loved Nana Bee. It made her like him that much more. The passion in his expression made her feel desired, but there was so much more in his expression. There was love. She knew he was talking about Nana Bee, but a part of her would love that look directed at her. She told herself to knock it off. This was about desire and letting go, it wasn’t about love. She didn’t have to be in love with the man to make love to him. She didn’t have to take herself so dang seriously all of the time. Nana Bee had said that a lot.

They left the suite and made their way to the elevator. He pressed the spa button and she smiled so big it hurt her cheeks. The pampering began immediately. It was a whirlwind that kept her so busy she didn’t have time to dwell on missing Nana Bee, or her frustration with her father, or the fact that she didn’t have a job. She enjoyed a ninety-minute full-body massage with Bass on the table next to her. It kept her both relaxed and turned on the entire time and she let out a few moans of approval as her muscles loosened.

There was something incredibly sensual about having Bass in the room with her as she was massaged. Almost indecent thoughts rushed through her head while another person’s hands rubbed over her body. They were both naked with only a sheet hiding them from the other. Maybe she should ask the masseuses to leave so Bass could massage her in places she didn’t want strangers to touch her.

Just when she couldn’t take it a moment longer, the massage ended. The people stepped from the room and she sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest. Bass lay on his stomach and gave her a lazy grin.

“I’d rather it was your hands rubbing all over me,” he told her.

“I can give it a try,” she said, her voice slightly shaking.

He groaned. “Woman, you’re going to kill me,” he moaned. “Run to the changing room before I attack you and give these workers something to talk about for a very long time.”

She stood from the table and did something that shocked her, unaware she had the courage to do it. She dropped the sheet, walked over to her robe, and slipped it on, knowing his eyes were on her the entire time. Another moan sounded from behind her. She didn’t turn around as she exited to the changing room. She smiled the entire time, feeling like quite the seductress. She hoped she’d left him in there with a nice big erection. That might be difficult to hide in the robe the spa provided. She could picture doing some things as that beautiful arousal poked out from the robe.

After her massage she was led to another room where she had another ninety-minute procedure, this time a facial . . . this time without Bass in the room, which was probably good, so she could actually relax. She’d never had one before, but she now knew what she’d missed out on. She fell asleep on the table a couple of times as the woman left a mask on then massaged her hands and feet. She’d be total jelly by the end of her day.

The spa provided some snacks between sessions that held off her hunger but dinner was coming up next. After her last appointment she showered, then dressed. She was glad to have mascara and lipstick in her purse. That was it. She didn’t want to put a bunch of stuff on her face anyway. It was glowing from her incredible facial and she wanted to enjoy the glow as long as possible. She wasn’t sure when something like this would happen again.

Happiness abounded as she walked back to the lobby. Joy infused her from head to toe. She was happy, so very happy. How odd that her day had started so poorly but was ending so beautifully.

“Are you hungry?” Bass asked as he met her in the lobby.

“Starving,” she told him. She didn’t say she was hungrier for him than food.