"We're friends with benefits," she reminded him. "Exclusive friends with benefits, but that's all. That's not a boyfriend."
He closed his eyes. "Not a boyfriendyet."
"What about you, Eli? Have you told your fan club that you're seeing someone and you're not available to meet their sexual needs?"
He opened one eye. "Fan club?"
"Your groupies. The gold-digging puck bunnies. Feel free to pick your descriptor."
"Yeah, I have. Check my phone if you want proof. I've got nothing to hide." He stifled a yawn. "I told you before, I don't want anyone but you. Now come closer. Your boyfriend wants to cuddle and take another nap. I'm totally worn out after meeting your sexual needs."
"Argh," she grumbled. "Eli—"
"Uh huh. I know. Not your boyfriend," he repeated, closing his eyes again. "Got it."
He turned and kissed her temple. "But just so you know, I'm going to do everything I can to change your mind about that, kitten. And sometimes, I don't play fair." He grinned, then nuzzled her neck. "But Ialwaysplay to win."
The 10:30 alarm Holly had set last night blared next to her ear, and she let out a groan. She'd been up late figuring out an angle for Eli's feature, had written more interview questions, and tried to brainstorm interesting sidebar content.
Miss hopped up on the bed and began to purr as Holly grabbed her phone and turned off the alarm.
"Good thing our roommate has already left for practice," she told Miss, stretching her arms above her head.
He was none too happy last night after the Kingsnakes loss. San Jose had won 3–0, which had been tough to watch.
Two losses in a row, and now the team was forced into a game seven situation, which was the exact same scenario they'd been in last year.
And that hadn't ended in their favor.
"We're going to have to be extra nice to Eli when he gets home," she said, scratching the cat behind her ears. "We'll have to fuss over him a bit. Come on, let's get up and get some breakfast, Moo."
Today she was going to get more information on the Alzheimer's care facility for Eli's mother, and she wanted to talk with the morning nurse, Irena.
After downing her orange juice and putting her breakfast dishes into the dishwasher, she showered, brushed her teeth, and put on her makeup.
She'd settled on a cute, short, white cotton skirt and a purple tank top to wear. It was disgustingly hot out, and she couldn't bear the thought of constrictive clothing.
"Be good, Moo." Holly kissed the top of her head. "You stay in our bedroom while I'm gone. I'll let you out to roam when I get back."
Miss barely looked up from her nap as she closed the bedroom door behind her.
She fished around in the bowl for the keys to Eli's sports car and armed the penthouse security system as she left.
Irena was expecting her this morning, so she didn't have to worry about showing up unannounced. When she'd talked to her on the phone yesterday, the nurse had been relieved that the situation was going to be discussed.
As she pulled out of the parking lot, she cranked up some music, beating her palm on the steering wheel to the beat. Driving this car made her incredibly happy, despite what had happened with those douchebags. It was fun to drive, and she couldn't resist breaking the speed limit here and there.
Twenty minutes later, she pulled up to his mother's house and cut the engine. Irena stood outside on the porch, taking a cigarette break.
"Hey, Irena," Holly called, climbing from the car. She armed the security system and waved. "How are you?"
"I'm so glad you're here," the nurse said as Holly climbed the two steps to the little porch. "I know Eli doesn't have a lot of time right now, but the fact he sent you over is good news. I've been worried about how he's handling all of this."
"He knows he has to get on the ball regarding everything," Holly told her. "He's just so devastated at the whole idea. I figured I'd try to help any way I can to make things easier on him. Well, on everyone, really."