"Yeah." Penn looked around at their little group, her blue eyes solemn. "And they've got to win now. They've got to do it for Fally."


Eli bent over, holding his stick across his knees, sucking in gulps of air as Coach blew the whistle, ending the final drill.

It had been a tough practice, both physically and emotionally, and he was ready to call it a day. Trying to focus after what had happened to Fally last night was next to impossible.

Eli, Ryder, Shaw, Brandon, and Sam London stayed on the ice after West and the rest of the team headed off.

"Has anyone heard anything about Fal?" Eli asked the guys, taking a shot at the net. "Anyone talk to Nic?"

Ryder removed his glove and scrubbed a hand over his beard. "Yeah, I talked to her. I'm sure Coach will give an official update soon, but the injury to his knee is significant. He's had issues with that knee before but has always been able to bounce back."

Brandon bounced a puck on his stick, then fired it down the ice toward the opposite goal. "Fuck, man. Just... fuck."

"My sentiments exactly," Ryder muttered, his face grim. "Nic told me he was going to get more tests today. Things are pretty torn up in there. He's going to need surgery for sure."

"What are you saying, Ry?" Eli asked. "Obviously he won't be back for the playoffs. We know that. But is this the end of the line for his career? Is his knee too fucked up for hockey? Stop bouncing around the fucking subject."

"D, enough," Brandon snapped. "Don't go off on Ry just because you're stressed. We'reallfucking stressed."

"I know. Sorry," Eli grumbled, shaking his head. "But it's Fally, man. Fuck."

"Yes, there's a chance that he won't play hockey again. I'm not going to lie about that. Fally's my best friend, and this might end up being tough news for him, career-wise," Ryder said. "But the thing is, we still have to get through this series and focus on the end goal. Coach will obviously be switching things up with the lines, but I'm guessing that Sam will probably move up to Fal's position. Though I know there will be adjustments on the fly. And Tyler Quinn might be moving to the second line to fill in there. We'll have to see how it all plays out, but there's no question we will have to adapt, and quickly."

"This fucking sucks," Sam grumbled. "I don't want to see Fal go out like this."

"We don't know anything for sure yet. Nothing is written in stone, so we just have to wait it out for now. But we can't let it distract us from the job we have to do." Ryder pointed his stick at Eli. "I get that you're fired up after what happened, D. We all are. But going forward, you need to try and keep it controlled. Yeah, that hit last night on Fally was bad. But it was the awkward clash afterward with their other player that caused the knee issue.Notthe hit."

"I know. I just hate that fucking asshole." Eli fired another shot at the net. "Bradiere has been a dirty player his whole life. He deserved what he got last night.”

"Everyone wanted to beat Bradiere's ass when Fal went down,” Shaw said. “If Bradiere wouldn't have hit him, then there wouldn't havebeena clash. Seeing Fally in that much pain was fucking brutal. Eli did the right thing. The officials didn’t even see the hit, and Bradiere had to answer for it."

Eli closed his eyes and gave his head a shake. He knew pain, but what Fally had gone through last night had exceeded any injury he'd ever dealt with during his career. Fally's screams of pain had been too much for any of them to take.

"Did you see Bradiere's face?" Eli asked. "He was fucking smirking when Fal hit the ice. Smirking. What the fuck is wrong with that guy?"

"He's a piece of shit, and no, I didn't," Ryder admitted. "But we can't change the past. Let's use our anger to get on the goddamn board. I know you guys are still going to be hot out there after what happened, and the officials will be watching for it. But let's use our anger to hit them where it counts, that's all I'm saying. Because if Fally really is done with hockey, I don't want him to miss his chance to lift the Cup. And I know you wouldn't want that, either." Ryder clapped Eli on the back. "Okay, D?"

He inclined his head. "Yeah, I hear you."

"Good. Now let's hit the fucking showers."

* * *

Eli opened the front door of his penthouse and tossed his car keys into the bowl on the table next to the door. The delicious scent of roasted chicken hung in the air, making his stomach rumble.

"Holly?" He walked toward the kitchen.

"Hey." She stood at the counter. "I was going to make this meal for dinner, but I'm starving. Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and steamed veggies. Are you hungry?"

He nodded. "Wow, it smells amazing. Yeah, I could eat. I didn't have anything after practice."

Holly smiled at him, and just like always, it warmed him up and turned him on. She looked adorable standing there in a flowered apron, her purple and black hair pulled into a high ponytail.

"I didn't know you cooked."

"I'm not the greatest cook, to be honest," she admitted as she carved the chicken. "But this is one meal I know how to do well."