"We, huh?" He gave her a sexy little smile. "Are you adopting us as your team?"

"Hmm. I just might. I only go for the best, after all."

"Is that so?" His eyes shone with pride and unmistakable heat. "You do have good taste, I know that for sure."

Shit, were they flirting? Time to dial it back, pronto.

Fumbling for her purse in the dim light to find her phone, she dropped it on the floor, then banged her head on the edge of the table while picking it up.

Smooth, Holly.

"Damn, are you okay?" The concerned expression on his face was too much for her to handle right now.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She averted her eyes and glanced down at the phone screen. "Just clumsy. I thought I heard my phone buzz with a text."

Their waitress came over to check on them for what felt like the umpteenth time in the past hour. It was obvious the woman was gaga over Eli. When the hostess had promised them that they wouldn't be bothered, she'd neglected to mention that their server wasn't included in that promise.

"How is everything?" The curvy, bubbly brunette's dark green eyes focused solely on Eli. "Can I get you anything else right now?"

"I'm good. Holly?"

"I'm fine." Not that the waitress was concerned about her needs. She wouldn't be surprised if the woman fell in Eli's lap before they were done eating.

"If you need anything at all, you just give me a wave, and I'll be over here in a flash." She pointed to her name tag. "I’m Cherry."

"Cherry?" Eli cocked an eyebrow. "Is that your real name?"

"Sure is." The waitress leaned over, giving him an eyeful of her ample cleavage. "Just like the rest of me, sweetie."

Holly narrowed her eyes. What a little bitch. For all this woman knew, she was Eli's date.

He gave Cherry an easy smile, but kept his gaze focused above her neck. "If we need anything else, I'll let you know."

"You do that." Cherry walked away, her hips swaying seductively as she strutted over to another table.

"Wow." Holly speared a carrot with her fork. "Dinneranda show."

Eli let out a snort of laughter. "Yeah, subtlety really isn't her strong point, is it?"

"Does it even faze you anymore? All these women throwing themselves at you?"

"I'm not interested in anything she or any other woman has to offer." He locked gazes with her. "You know how I feel."


He shrugged. "You asked, and I answered."

"I did, and now we can drop it."

"Yes, ma'am."

Holly took another sip of the wine, then leaned back against her chair. Oddly, her jaws felt tired from chewing. How could that even be a thing?

She speared a small potato on her fork and popped it into her mouth. When she swallowed, it got stuck halfway down. Focusing her gaze on her plate, she tried to relax. She could still breathe, but couldn't seem to get the food to move. It was slowly sliding downward, but panic set in, and she began to sweat.

Leaning forward, she forced herself to concentrate on cutting the food on her plate, waiting as the potato made what seemed to be an endless trek down her throat.

Eli pulled out his phone and tapped at the screen before putting it to his ear, and she felt a sense of relief he hadn't noticed her discomfort.