"No one's going to think I'm with Eli because I'm sitting in these seats, will they?" Holly asked. "I don't want people getting the wrong idea."

"I don't know, but it's none of their business. Most of the wives and girlfriends are cool, but don't be surprised if Shay says something."

"Oh, I hope she does. I can't wait to meet this piece of work," she muttered as they walked down the arena stairs toward their seats.

"That she is. I wish Sam would end it with her once and for all. She's a total menace." Penn bit down on her lip and shook her head. "She's just one of those women, you know?"

"What women?"

"Outwardly perfect. Long blonde hair, perfect makeup and clothes, designer everything. But she's awful. Outwardly an angel, inwardly a hell spawn. When I first started dating West and sitting down here with the other WAGs, she made some backhanded comments about me not being good-looking enough to be with a star goaltender. I haven't talked to her since, other than stuff having to do with team functions."

"That proves she's an asshole, because you're gorgeous. You and West are perfect for each other. Despite my initial feelings about him, I know he's crazy about you, Penn. He's proved me wrong over and over. And he better keep doing it, or I'll string him to the net by his sack."

Penn snorted with laughter. "Yikes, Hol. But let's face it—West's a catch. He's the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on, and he's withme. Do you know how weird that is? He could model. In fact, he has done some modeling."

"Stop." Holly held up her hand. "You're beautiful, Penn. Don't let anything Shay says bother you, okay? She really does sound like aSee you Next Tuesday. Her opinion means shit. West's opinion means everything."

"You're so fiercely loyal." Penn stopped and gave her a clumsy hug. "That's why I love you."

"Hey, you two!" Zoe waved at them from their group of seats. Hannah sat next to Zoe, wearing Brandon's jersey and her jacket. When she saw them, she waved, too.

Penn returned the wave as Holly did a cursory check of the rest of the WAGs and families, many of which she didn't know personally. "Which one is Shay? There's like fifteen blondes," Holly said. "Seriously, why is everyone freaking blonde?"

Penn laughed. "I never thought about it, but yeah, there are a lot of blondes, me included."

"Normally this is where I'd joke and say gentlemen prefer blondes, but I know these guys. Gentlemen doesn't exactly describe them," Holly teased.

"Ha. There's Shay. She's the one not wearing a jacket," Penn said. "Because of course."

"We're sitting behind her?" Holly rubbed her hands together in mock glee. "Oh good. I can watch the show."

Penn shot her an amused look. "I don't have to tell you to be nice, do I?"

"I'll be nice. Until she doesn't deserve it."

They walked down their row toward Zoe and Hannah.

"I'm glad we're sitting with our group of ladies. Looks like Hannah's holding seats for Nic and Bella. Oh, and there's Brandon’s and Ryder's parents at the end of the row," Penn said, waving.

Holly sank down into her seat and glanced around, acutely aware of the stares from some of the other WAGs. She knew they had to be curious about her.

"I'm here!" Nic called from the end of the row, holding a bag of popcorn in one hand and a beer in the other. "The babysitter was a little late."

As she squeezed past a few other people to join the group, the buzzer sounded and thumping, bass-heavy music began to play.

"Just in time." Zoe smiled as Nic plopped down next to her. "You almost missed warmups."

The Kingsnakes exited the tunnel to loud cheers and whistles from the pumped-up crowd.

"No one screams this much during a regular season game for warmups," Penn told Holly. "They're really pumped up."

The team skated in a circle around their zone in a blur of orange, white, and blue.

"I didn't realize our seats were this close," Holly told her. "Not glass level, but still fantastic."

"Oh, Fally's parents just got here." Nic glanced at her phone. "They just texted." She stood up and turned around, then waved to an attractive couple in their early sixties a few rows back. "I'll have to go say hello at intermission."

"Is West's dad here?" Holly asked Penn.