"We can put them on once we get inside the arena," Zoe, captain Ryder O'Bryan's wife, assured Nic.
Zoe handed a set of numbers to Hannah, center Brandon Lear's fiancée, then tucked a lock of fiery red hair behind her ear. "It's just supposed to be a fun way for us to support the guys and show some team spirit."
"I guess. Are you sure you know how to work that thing?" Nic asked Hannah, pointing to a small heat press machine.
"Sure." Hannah pushed her silver glasses further up her nose. "This thing is little, but it's mighty. I use it to make t-shirts for Brandon's daughters all the time. Speaking of the munchkins, thanks for ordering jackets for Briar and Callie, Penn. I know Briar will be excited to make hers tonight."
Bella Lear, Brandon's younger sister, rolled her eyes and made a face at Hannah. "Better you than me, Han. I'm glad I'm not babysitting tonight. The last time I did crafts with Briar, I had glitter paint in my hair for two weeks. My niece is a menace with this kinda stuff."
"Two weeks? Yikes," Holly muttered. She poured herself another glass of wine, then held the bottle out to Bella. "Do you want a glass?"
"No, she does not. She's not old enough to drink," Nic declared, giving Bella a look.
"My birthday was two days ago," Bella pointed out. "And I'm old enough to drink when I go back to visit my parents in Canada."
"This isn't Canada. And the last I checked, twenty isn't old enough to drink in the States," Nic shot back. "Penn, do you have any pop in the fridge?"
"Jeez-a-loo," Bella complained. "Why don't you pour me a glass of milk and get me some cookies while you're at it? You might be a mom, Nic, but you're notmymom."
Penn grinned. "There's milk and cookies in the kitchen, Bells. Have at it."
Bella sighed as she trudged over to the fridge. "Just so you know, you guys all suck," she said, peering over her shoulder. "Milk and fucking cookies. Unbelievable."
"Watch your mouth, child!" Nic called after her.
"Arrgh!" Bella yelled. "Shut up, Nicole!"
Nic snorted with laughter, and Hannah grinned. "You just woke a sleeping bear. Bella isn't one to mess with when she's mad. And that mom comment..."
"Speaking of moms," Holly piped up, attempting to steer the conversation to something less volatile, "are you excited to be a step-mother, Hannah?"
"Brandon and I aren't getting married until next summer, but I already think of his daughters as my own. I love those girls."
"Do you think you guys will have any more kids?" Zoe's eyes widened, and she clapped a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry, Hannah. That was rude of me. I hate when people ask if me and Ryder are going to have kids. It's not like we haven't been trying, but it's not happening. I'm doing everything but standing on my head trying to get pregnant."
Nic wrinkled her nose, then blew a strand of long, blonde hair away from her face. "Thanks for the visual, Zoe. I really didn't need that."
Zoe snorted with laughter. "Sorry, but it's true. Maybe I should try the headstands. Couldn't hurt."
Penn patted Zoe on the hand. "It's going to happen; you just need more time. Some couples don't get pregnant right away."
"I know." Zoe bit down on her lower lip, then sighed. "I've just got baby fever."
"And I plan to take full advantage of that fever by having you babysit baby Luke every chance I get." Nic grinned at Zoe as she held up her glass of wine. "Luke loves his Auntie Zoe."
"And I love him," Zoe declared. "Ryder teases me about how much stuff I buy him online."
"Okay, ladies, let's get back to these jackets," Penn ordered. "Besides West's last name and number, I've got the Kingsnakes logo, a golden retriever patch for our dog, Bo, an American flag patch, a pink peace sign... hmm, what else can I put on here?"
"Duh, a goalie mask." Holly picked out a patch from the middle of the table and handed it to Penn.
"Oops, I forgot I bought that." Penn held it up and nodded approvingly. "Awesome." She glanced over at Holly. "Um, don't kill me babe, but I bought you a jacket. You're kind of an honorary WAG, right?"
Holly sputtered, then coughed as the wine went down the wrong pipe. "What? No! Not even. I'm not anyone's wife or girlfriend."
She hadn't told Penn about the night she and Eli had spent together at the hotel. At least, not yet.