"Wherever we go is fine.”

"Have you ever been to Castle's?"

"That's Shaw's sister's place, right? No, I haven't."

"Yep, it belongs to his sister, Sloane. You have to try a cupcake after lunch and get some to take home. They're fucking amazing."

"I'll never turn down a cupcake." She leaned back against the seat. Her eyes were so tired she could barely hold them open.

"They're the best and worth every calorie.”

"You sold me. Drive on, Jeeves."

* * *

After finding an open space in a nearby parking garage, they walked the short distance to Castle's Cupcakes. Her vision had returned to normal, making her anxiety go down a few levels.

Holly glanced up at the purple and pink retro sign outside of the shop. "Cute place."

"I thought you'd like it."

"Eli, look." She nodded toward a little boy in an electric wheelchair twenty feet away from the shop's front door. He looked to be about ten or eleven years old, and his chair was completely covered in Kingsnakes stickers. His mouth hung open in shock as he stared at Eli with huge blue eyes.

"Hey, buddy." Eli grinned as he walked over to him. "You're really representing the team with your wheels. I love it!"

"You're... you're Eli Donnelley! The best defenseman on the Kingsnakes. Like, the best defenseman in the entireleague."

"Wow, bud. You're great for my ego," Eli said, then laughed. "What's your name?"

"Uh... um, my name is Hunter. Hunter Teegen."

"Are you going into Castle's?" Eli gestured toward the front door. "Or are you waiting for someone to pick you up?"

"I was going in to buy some cupcakes to take home."

"Want to have lunch with us?" Eli asked. "We were just going to grab something."

"For real? Holy shit!" Hunter's eyes lit up, and then he frowned. "Oh man, if my mom heard me say that..."

"She's not here, so you're safe. Come on. Lunch is on me." He pressed the accessibility button next to the front door and waited for Hunter to enter the shop.

"You just made his entire life," Holly murmured as Eli followed her inside.

"It's the least I can do. Did you see his face? Man, I remember those days. I used to wait for my favorite players to sign autographs outside of the arenas. I'd have given anything to sit and talk with them. Kid fans are the best."

Holly cocked her head. "Sometimes, you surprise me, Eli."

"Are you okay with this?"

"More than okay."


Holly glanced around the cute little shop as they waited to order. The place had plenty of seating, with vibrantly-colored pink and purple tables scattered around. Photos of assorted cupcakes hung on the walls. Thankfully, it wasn't crowded, which meant Eli was less likely to be approached by other fans while they had lunch with Hunter.

A beautiful woman with long, dark hair pulled into a high ponytail greeted them from behind the counter. Her purple name tag had "Sloane" written across it.

The resemblance to her brother, Shaw, was striking, especially since they both shared those odd, silvery-colored blue eyes. On Sloane the color was softer, while Shaw's eyes were bright and piercing.