"Holy shit," Holly muttered, setting the photo down on the table.

"It's a lot to take in, I imagine," Irena said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Understatement of the year. I don't even know what to say."

"I think it's something that's always weighed heavily on Katherine's mind, judging from the letter she wrote to Eli. And she's seeking peace. When she gets moments of clarity, this obviously bothers her. She wants this settled."

"I guess so." Holly placed the photos back into the box.

"Will you talk to Eli about it?"

She let out a breath. "I'll try. I can't promise it will get him to read the letters, but I'll do my best."

Irena nodded. "Maybe this time, it will work. For Katherine's sake, I hope so."

* * *

Holly dropped her bag of convenience store goodies outside the front door of the penthouse and fished through her purse for her keys. After mulling over what to do about the letters the last hour and a half, her need for chocolate had won out, and she'd gone for provisions.

A few of her favorite candy bars always helped her solve problems. Besides, she was running low on her stock and was due to get more anyway.

To her surprise, the door opened when she found her keys at the bottom of her purse.


He gave her an amused look. "Yes, it's me. Were you expecting someone else, kitten?"

She bent to pick up her bag as he held the door open for her. "No, of course not. I just didn't know you'd be home so soon."

"Yep, here I am. Where were you?"

Holly swallowed.

Shit. She was hoping to down a few of her candy bars before having this conversation.

"I went over to your mom's today to talk to Irena about the care facility, and... something came up while I was visiting." She flung the bag on the counter and pulled out a candy bar. "It's weighing on my mind."

Eli stepped back and rubbed his thumb across his lower lip, studying her. "I appreciate you going over there. What's going on? Is my mom okay?"

"Yes, it's nothing like that. I got the information I needed from Irena so that's all settled, but your mom gave me something."

"Gave you what?" he asked, frowning.

Holly led him to her bedroom. She picked up the stack of letters from his father and held them up. "These."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," he muttered from the doorway. "Not those things again."

"I know," she said, holding up both hands. "But Eli, I wouldn't talk to you about them if I didn't think this was important. Seriously. Will you listen?"

"Then you know?" His eyes darkened and grew wary. "You know about my family?"

"I know a little bit," she hedged.

After all, she didn't know everything, only what she'd managed to put together after reading Mrs. Donnelley's letter.

"Look, I'm not interested in reading those goddamn things." He sliced a hand through the air. "She's been on my ass about them for years, and the answer is still no. I forgave her for keeping them from me, but it doesn’t really matter, because I have no interest in reading them."

"I get it." Holly set the letters down on the nightstand and walked over to him, placing a hand on his chest. "And I don't mean to bother you about this, but can we talk about it for a few minutes? I wouldn't feel right if I didn't explain what Irena told me."