And hers, too.

Apparently, her professionalism had gone on a long vacation, because right now it was nowhere to be found.

"It's delicious," he said, taking a few bites and handing her the plate. "Eat up."

After a few more bites of cake, she held her hands up in surrender. "I'm done."

He shrugged out of his suit jacket and hung it on the back of his chair. "Save it for tomorrow." He scooped up the cake and put it back in the takeout box. "You'll want it, trust me."

His phone vibrated across the table, and he clicked the mute button after glancing at the screen.

"I don't want to keep you," she told him. "If you've got other plans for tonight, I mean."

"Other plans?" He frowned. "No. I told you, I'm celebrating the win with you."

Holly stood and cleared her plate from the table. "I just don't want you to think you have to stay here. I know now that you weren't deliberately ignoring me the other night. You were doing what you normally do. So, if you want to go do it, feel free."

Eli gently wrapped his hand around her wrist as she reached for his plate. "Holly, don't."

She stilled, glancing down at him. "Don't what?"

"Don't push me away."


Something about the way he was looking at her stripped her bare. And if he stared at her too long, he would be able to read her mind, and know everything she was feeling.

Like how sweet it was for him to bring home this dinner. Or how much she wanted to breathe in the delicious scent of his skin while stripping him out of his dress shirt. And how she wanted to climb onto his lap, so he could ease the ache between her legs caused by his sexy smile.

Holly dropped her gaze to his lips—a bit full, with a bottom lip bordering on pouty depending on his expression.

She wanted to kiss him again. And she definitely wanted to sleep with him again.


"Hey." He released his hold on her wrist and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Is everything okay?"

The answer to that question was complicated, and she didn't know what to say. No matter how much she'd fought to keep things professional between them, it kept getting personal. They'd gotten physically close and mended long-damaged fences back at the hotel, and now, they'd grown close in other ways, and they were even starting to become real friends again.

Sleeping with him was a bad idea, but she was exhausted from fighting against this attraction, even if she was afraid of getting closer.

"I don't know. I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore when I'm around you, Eli. I just know that I want you, and I'm tired of fighting it."

Surprise flared in his eyes at her revelation, and she swallowed hard. That professional wall she'd demanded they build between them—the wall she'd erected to stop them from getting any closer until she could process all her emotions—was about to come tumbling down.

Way sooner than expected, and well before she was emotionally ready.

"Holly, the last thing I want you to do is fight it."

Eli stood and lifted his hand, sliding his warm palm along her jaw before gently cupping her face. "We've been fighting it since our night together. I know I have. Fuck, you know how I feel about you. But I wanted to give you what you needed. That was more important to me than sex."

"Why?" she asked, studying his face.

"Because I want you to trust me. I needed to earn it. I need to keep earning it. What I said to you back at the hotel was all true, but I know words aren't enough. I have to prove myself to you. You wanted us to be friends again. That was important to you, so it was important to me. But I think we can safely say that achievement has been unlocked, don't you think?"

"Yes. But I don't want to mess things up between us by sleeping together. Because let's face it, if we do this, then whatarewe? Friends with benefits?"

Holly shivered as he slid his hands down along her back. She could feel his smile against the side of her neck as his lips curved. "Hmm. I'm sure we can arrange an excellent mutually beneficial benefits package. No worries on that front."