"I'm sure." Holly sat back down in her seat. Her legs felt so weak, and she was grateful to be able to sit once again. "Go on, I'll be fine."

"Do you want anything?"

"Nope, I’m good." Holly forced a smile. "Thanks."

"Okay, I'll be back in a few."

She stared down at her legs as Penn hurried up the stairs, then squeezed her eyes shut.

Every other time this had happened, she'd been crazy stressed. But tonight, she'd been having a good time.

Alarm bells rang long and loud in her head, but she resisted the urge to pull out her phone and look up her symptoms. The last thing she needed was more panic, and in the past, it had always gone away.

Hopefully, it would pass before the end of the game. The last thing she wanted were her friends hovering and worrying about her when they were here to have a good time.

* * *

"We destroyed them!" Hannah said gleefully, holding up her hands and giving them all high-fives. "Four–nothing Kingsnakes. Four–nothing!"

"She gets pretty feisty at these things, huh?" Holly laughed as Hannah did a happy dance.

"You have no idea." Penn grinned. "She's the ultimate hockey fangirl."

"I'm sure the guys are going to take forever to leave tonight," Zoe mused. "Should we head down to the family waiting area?"

"That sounds good," Nic said. "But I want to go talk to my in-laws first."

Hannah nodded. "And I should say hello to Brandon's parents.”

"I'll hang here. Ryder's parents couldn't make it for this game, but they'll be here next game," Zoe told them.

"Am I allowed in the family room?" Holly asked Zoe.

"As the captain's wife, I'm inviting you into the room. I know you said you're not a WAG, but right now, you're an honorary one, like it or not."

"Thanks, but it's kind of an ethics thing. Technically, I'm here in a reporter capacity."

"Babe, you're also here in a different capacity. You're part of the Kingsnakes family," Penn assured her. "Zoe is Queen Bee around here, and if she says it's okay, then it's okay."

"Queen Bee?" Zoe asked, amused. "Me?"

"Yes," Penn said firmly. "And Hol, it's not like you're going to use anything personal about us for the feature."

"True. But I don't need Shay running her mouth about me being there, either."

"Screw her," Zoe said emphatically. "I'm so glad you told her off. That was a joy to watch. You know, as much as I hate to admit to a WAGs hierarchy, there is one. And as the Queen Bee," Zoe gave a mock cough and glanced at Penn, who laughed, "it bothers me because I want to bring all the wives and girlfriends together. We might not all be great friends, but we are all here to support our guys. Shay is a menace to our group. She's made a lot of people uncomfortable. Maybe she'll think twice about running her mouth now after being called out."

"I doubt it," Holly replied. "People like that never learn."

She glanced over at the stairs, wondering if her legs would work. She didn't feel as weak as she'd felt before, and that was a good sign.

"How do we get to the family room?" Holly asked Penn, wondering if she had to deal with climbing stairs.

"Just down those stairs, and then we hop on an elevator," Penn pointed past Nic and toward a little tunnel. There's a small VIP section down there to the left, and to the right is the elevator."


Maybe she had been stressed and hadn't realized it. After all, she'd had panic attacks when she thought everything was going well in the past. Maybe this reaction was similar.