"This is my best friend, Holly," Penn replied, her voice cool. "Holly, this is Shay."

"Sam London's girlfriend," Shay said smoothly.

"Uh huh," she replied, making sure she sounded bored.

Shay flashed a fake smile. "You know, it's interesting that you're sitting in the family section, Holly."

She gave Shay a dismissive look. The woman was fishing for information, and she could fucking stuff it.

"I'm just saying, I didn't know that justanyonecould sit in our section, Penn." Shay brushed a lock of blonde hair over her shoulder. "I'm not bringing my outside friends in to sit with us, so why should you get to?"

Penn opened her mouth to speak, but Holly cut her off. "Listen, princess. You don't know shit about who I am or what I'm here for. And if you're going to insult me, don't do it through my friend. Have the lady-balls to say it to my face."

Nic let out a strangled cough to cover her laugh as Hannah elbowed her in the ribs.

Shay narrowed her eyes. "I'd watch your mouth, honey. No one talks to me that way."

Holly cocked her head. "Maybe they should. What the hell are you going to do about it, anyway?" She gestured to the women sitting on either side of her. "Are you going to get me kicked out,honey? Go ahead and try it. I've got a ticket, so I'll just let you explain to the usher that you're trying to kick out the starting goaltender's girlfriend's best friend. You're just trying to stir up shit. Why I'm here or who I'm with is none of your fucking business, understand?"

Shay glared at her. "You've got to be kidding me. I'll—"

"You'll do nothing, because you don't want to fuck with me. I promise you that. Now turn around and keep your fucking trap shut. No one here wants to hear the noise coming out of your ignorant mouth."

Shay sucked in a breath and whirled around to face the ice, but she didn't respond.

Nic did a happy dance in her seat and mouthed "yes!" at Holly.

Penn elbowed her in the side. "Her head's going to explode, Hol. I can almost see the steam coming out of her ears."

"She needed to be taken down a few notches by someone," Holly replied. "You guys have too much to lose within the community of wives and girlfriends, but I don't."

Shay sat down in a huff, and Holly grinned at her friends. Zoe gave her a thumbs up from behind her covered hand, and Hannah stifled a giggle.

Yeah, this was going to be a fun game.

* * *

"Jeez, Bells. Late much?" Hannah asked Bella as she scooted past Penn and Holly, then took her seat. "It's almost the end of the first period."

"So what?" No one's scored yet." Bella brushed her long, blonde hair over her shoulder and gestured toward the rink, where San Jose had just iced the puck. "I didn't miss anything."

"Where were you?" Penn asked. "Getting your hair done? Wow, it's super light now."

"Yeah. I didn't realize when I made the appointment that it was the same day as the first game of the series. Don't tell Jet, Han, okay?"

"I'm not telling Brandon anything." Hannah held up her hands. "I'm staying out of it. Now hush, my fiancé is taking a face-off."

Bella rolled her eyes. "You'd think she never saw my brother do this before. He's a center. It's part of his job."

"It's the playoffs," Hannah muttered, gesturing to where Brandon stood inside the faceoff circle to the left of the San Jose goal. He was practically nose-to-nose with the opposing team's center as they waited for the linesman to drop the puck.

The other players took their positions around the circle during the opening guitar riff of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck."

"I hate scoreless games," Nic complained. "It's endless anticipation and anxiety. Good in one way, bad in another."

The music cut off after the linesman dropped the puck and the centers battled for it. Brandon won and flipped the puck to winger Sam London, who didn't have a clear shot at the net. He sent it skidding across the ice to defenseman John Cohan.

Co wound up and one-timed the puck. It careened past the goaltender and hit the crossbar, then flew down into the net.