"Yep. The Kingsnakes sponsor an adult and youth team sled league. The youth team is for ages six to seventeen. They play at our practice facility. You have to join."

"I..." Hunter's eyes filled with tears, and he bowed his head. "I can really play again?"

Eli put his hand on Hunter's shoulder, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. "Yeah, buddy," he said softly. "You can play again."

Hunter wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and blinked quickly. "I really miss hanging out with my friends and shooting pucks and stuff."

"What position do you play?" Eli asked.

"Defense, just like you. You're my favorite player." Hunter's face turned pink. "But I don't know if my parents can afford to have me in sled hockey. Dad lost his job two months ago, and it's been kinda rough. I had to save my allowance to buy a few cupcakes for my mom’s birthday tomorrow, because there's no extra money for treats like that."

"Little man, you're going to play." Eli waved a hand. "Can you get your mom or dad to bring you to the practice facility sometime in the next week? Ask for the manager and give him your name, and tell him I told you to come down. I'm going to hook everything up so you can play. Your equipment, your league fees, jersey, and whatever else you need." Eli pulled out his phone. "I'm going to shoot the manager a text right now and let him know to expect you, and to bill me for whatever you need."

Hunter's blue eyes lit up; all traces of his previous tears gone—now replaced with pure joy. "Seriously? Holy shi... er, shoot! I can't believe this. I'm gonna play!"

Eli laughed. "Only if you stop swearing. Save the cursing for when you turn professional, okay?"

Hunter clapped a hand over his mouth. "No more, I promise. This is so awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Holly blinked back her own tears at Hunter's jubilation. She wasn't sure who was happier, Eli or the little boy. It was obvious Eli wasn't doing this for publicity, or to impress her. He just wanted this kid to play the sport he'd been missing for the last two years.

"No thanks necessary, bud. And I'll come see you play after we finish the playoffs, okay? Just remember—it's going to take time to get used to doing things a different way, but I know you'll kick butt out there. So be patient and practice. You can do this."

"I can't wait to get back out on the ice! I'll practice every chance I get."

Sloane stopped next to their table, holding a tray of food. She placed the plates and drinks down in front of them. "Enjoy, guys. I'll be back to check on you soon." She gave them a wink. "Now that I have my new employee, Leigh, trained on cash, I might be able to take a break around here for once."

"Are you going to come to any games in this series, Sloane?" Eli asked.

"Yep. Now that I have extra help. Gotta see my little bro kick some San Jose butt out on the ice," she joked.

"Sloane?" Leigh called from the register. "Um, I think I pressed the wrong button.”

"And on that note..." She waved as she walked away. "Enjoy your meals, guys!"

"The Kingsnakes are going to slay San Jose," Hunter said confidently, taking a bite of his chicken sandwich. "Me and my dad are planning on watching the series together. I can't wait."

Eli gave Holly an amused look before turning his gaze back to Hunter. "You think so? They're a great team. Plus, they've got two of the greatest defensemen in the league."

"No way! Those guys aren't as good as you," Hunter said automatically. "Yeah, San Jose's good, but I'm not worried." He paused. "Maybe I'm a little worried about the road games. Winning in the San Jose arena is always hard for you guys. I don't know why, though."

"If you figure it out, be sure to let us know," Eli told him. "We'll have a lot of fans traveling to San Jose for the away games, so hopefully it will give us a home-game atmosphere."

They sat around the table for the next half hour, talking hockey, laughing, and learning more about Hunter and his family. The coffee shop was mostly empty, and they hadn't been interrupted by any Kingsnakes fans. Eli was able to dedicate all of his attention to the little boy.

They discovered Hunter was an only child, and his mom worked two jobs—one at a grocery store and another as a receptionist. His father got laid off from his factory job and had been searching for work non-stop. He had a lead on a possible position and an interview next week. The kid obviously didn't have the easiest home life financially, but his parents seemed like good people.

Hunter leaned back in his chair and patted his stomach. "I'm stuffed. The food was great."

Sloane's new employee, Leigh, came over to clear away their dishes. She perked up at Hunter's review. "I'll make sure to tell Sloane you said that. She'll be thrilled."

"We've gotta get going, buddy," Eli told Hunter. "Let's go get your cupcake order, okay?"

"Sure," Hunter said, nodding.

They made their way over to the counter, where Sloane packed up a dozen assorted cupcakes for both Hunter and Holly, and Eli handed over his credit card.

"Are you okay to get home?" Eli asked. "You know, carrying the cupcakes and stuff?"