Holly disarmed the security system and opened the door.

"It's new. Got it last month."

They climbed in, and she caressed the steering wheel. "It's so gorgeous. I can't believe you're letting me drive it. Every guy I know has been ultra possessive of their vehicle. I'd think you'd be paranoid about a car this expensive."

"Nah. It's insured, and I'm not like that. Cars are made to be enjoyed."

She started the engine and let out a squeal of happiness as she revved the powerful motor. "I can't believe this is happening."

Eli snorted with laughter. "Let's get going. I have to get to my mom's house fast, but don't get us pulled over, okay?"

Holly backed out of the parking spot and gave him a huge grin. "Sorry. I'm not making any promises."

* * *

She pulled up in front of a modest, nicely landscaped home in a quiet, suburban neighborhood. Though it was lovely, it seemed out of place among the other homes surrounding it.

"I paid to have it moved here from New York," Eli said, as if reading her mind. "That's why it looks so different."

"That had to be a pretty penny."

"It was worth it."

Holly pressed a button on the key fob to arm the car's security system as they walked up the sidewalk.

"Wait for me out here on the porch while I deal with this, would you? I don't want to freak her out with a stranger and make things worse."

"Oh." She brushed a lock of hair away from her face, then nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Eli glanced at the front door, then rubbed his forehead. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Holly took a seat on one of the chairs nearby. It was sixty-six degrees outside, so she wasn't going to sweat during the wait. "Take your time."

The moment he entered the house, a woman—his mother, most likely—began screaming. She could hear Eli's voice as he spoke to her, soft and reassuring. Then, the screaming ceased.

What must this be like for him to deal with day in and day out? It had to be difficult even on the best of days, and horrible on the worst.

The front door opened fifteen minutes later. A woman who appeared to be in her early seventies with short, soft, gray hair stepped out onto the porch. She paused, staring at Holly as she belted a fuzzy blue bathrobe.

"Who are you?" the woman asked shrewdly.

Holly stood and gave her a tentative smile. "Hello. I'm Holly. I'm a friend of Eli's."

"A friend of my Eli's! How nice." A huge smile lit her weathered face as she grabbed Holly's hands. "Well, you're beautiful, dear. Just beautiful."

"Thank you."

His mother leaned in close, peering at her nose stud. "Is that a real diamond?"

"I wish, but no."

She lifted a lock of purple hair from Holly's shoulder and studied it intently. "Well, this is different, isn't it?"

Urgent voices and footsteps running toward the door pulled her attention away from Eli's mother. The door flew open, and Eli and a tall, blonde woman rushed out.

He dragged his hands through his hair, narrowing his gaze as at Holly.

"Mom, you can't just get up and leave the house. We were worried."