"Maybe some dry toast and some tea."

"I'll make that."

"Eli, I can make it myself."

"I'm sure you can, but today you don't have to, so just rest. That's an order."

She gave him a pointed look. "I'll do as you say, but only because I'm too damned tired to argue."

"So stubborn."

He went into the kitchen and made the tea and toast, then brought everything out to her on a tray, along with cream and sugar.

"Thank you. Sorry I fell asleep before I could drink last night's tea," she said. "I do that a lot lately.”

"No big deal. I was wiped out, too."

Holly took a sip of the tea, then glanced over at him. "I have stuff in there for breakfast. Feel free to make yourself something."

"Maybe later. I'm not hungry right now."

"Thanks for covering me up last night." She paused. "You didn't have to stay, you know. I wouldn't have climbed into bed with you, but I was uncomfortable."

"Holly, it's your bed. You should have been pissed off at me for using it." He studied her for a moment. "Why aren't you angry at me, Wilkes? Why haven't you given me shit? Lord knows I deserve it."

She stared at him, then opened her mouth to respond just as her cell phone vibrated on the coffee table.

"It's the vet!" She snagged it off the table. "Hello? Yes, this is Holly. Okay." She was silent for a moment as she listened to the doctor. "Great. I'm on my way. Thank you."

"Her fever's gone," she said, ending the call. "She wants to talk to me, but it looks like I can bring her home."

"That's great news. All right, let's get going."

"Eli, you already took me there once," she protested.

"And I'm taking you there again. Come on." He grabbed the carrier. "Let's go get your fuzzball."

* * *

An hour later, they were back at Holly's apartment with a content Miss, who seemed much more like herself. They'd given her fluids at the vet, plus an anti-nausea shot. She'd had her first dose of medication at the hospital, and Holly would give her the second dose tonight.

The doctor had also given Miss a mild sedative, since she usually had a stressful reaction after an overnight vet visit.

"I'll have to remember to ask for the sedative when she has her next flare. Normally, she comes home and pants and cries for an hour. Then she shakes. It's pretty miserable."

"She seems normal now," Eli observed, watching as the cat ate a small serving of the food Holly had prepared.

"Thankfully. It's one less thing to worry about."

Miss stretched, then looked over at Eli and mewed.

"Hey, Miss." He smiled at the calico. "Are you doing better?"

She flicked her tail and turned around, settling down on her cozy cat bed.

They both started laughing at her snub.

"I guess that's all the thanks you're going to get," Holly told him. "But remember, she's drugged. Don't feel too bad."