"It won't be a long wait," one of the vet techs told them. "There's only one person ahead of you."

The tech carefully put Miss back into her carrier, and Eli followed Holly over to a row of plastic chairs.

"It's going to be okay, sweet girl," Holly cooed. "I promise."

He leaned over to look at the cat. Her eyes were scrunched shut, and she looked uncomfortable. "Poor fuzzer."

"I didn't even ask you why you came over," Holly said, looking up at him. "I was so distracted."

"I just wanted to talk. Don't worry about that now, okay? We can do that later. Let's get her seen. That's what's important."

"I really thought she was doing okay, you know? It just snuck up on me. There's been so much change."

"Lil' Miss Wilkes?" a woman called from one of the open doors. "The vet is ready to see her now."

"Will you come in with me?" Holly asked. "You don't have to, but—"

"I was planning on it."

The vet, a short woman with blonde hair and pink glasses, peered into the carrier. "What's going on with your kitty tonight?"

Holly filled her in on what had happened and explained her medical history.

Next, the vet took Miss's temperature and did a quick exam, listening intently as Holly explained what usually happens during a flare.

"I think you're probably right regarding the flare," the vet said, scratching Miss on the head gently. "However, she's very dehydrated and has a fever, so I'd like to keep her overnight to keep an eye on her. We can give her some fluids and some medicine, then reassess tomorrow.”

Holly bit down on her lip. "She hates staying overnight. She gets so terrified that she shakes for a half an hour or more when she finally comes home."

"Don't worry. We can give her a small sedative to help keep her comfortable."

"Also, she won't eat when she's away from home," she fretted. "It's just her way."

"I don't think that's an issue right now," the vet said. "I'm not sure she's going to want to eat feeling like she does right now anyway. When was her last meal?"

"Around 4:00 pm."

"She's not going to be in danger if she doesn't eat tonight, but we want to make sure that tomorrow she starts slow. We don't want her not eating, because fatty liver syndrome is always a possibility when cats go off their food, especially ones with some heft to them like Miss. But it hasn't been long enough for that yet," the vet explained. "We'll get her started on the medicine she usually takes during her flare-ups and go from there, okay? I'll call you in the morning, and then we can reassess."

"I brought a t-shirt with me that has my scent on it," Holly told her. "I know that can help comfort a nervous cat. Can I leave it for her?"

"Of course. Don't worry. We'll take good care of her. We have a cat section that's quiet, so she won't be bothered by the noise of barking dogs."

Eli gave Miss a few pets on the head, but she really didn't look well. Her eyes were still closed, and she wasn't moving much.

"I love you, Moo," Holly whispered, kissing her on the head and the nose. "I'll be here tomorrow. Don't be scared."

The vet picked her up and nodded to the carrier. "You can take that for now. I'll call you in the morning. Take care."

Eli placed a hand on Holly's back, trying to offer her some comfort. She looked so worried that it was makinghimworry.

"It's going to be okay," he said gently. "Don't go down a road of worry. It's a flare, and they suck, but you said yourself that they happen. She's going to be fine."

"I always think that this time is going to be the time that I lose her."

"No. That's not happening."

"How do you know?" she asked, wringing her hands.