"Don't dodge the subject," he told her. "Why would I ever let her write the feature?"

"Because I can't do the story in good faith now. Everyone saw you kiss me out on the ice," she argued. "Now they'll think I slept with you to get the byline. That doesn't look good."

He rubbed his forehead. "Shit. I really fucked this up. I'm so sorry. I didn't even think when I kissed you. I was just happy."

"No," she assured him. "Don't think like that. I don't blame you, okay? Not at all."

"What about the money? I wanted you to have that."

Holly shrugged. "I think that ship has sailed. I can't expect to get paid if I don't write it. She'll have to give me something for my notes, but not that much."

"She can write it with whatever notes or interviews you have. But I don't want her writing about my family. That's off limits. I'd let you do it, but no one else."

"Understood," Holly agreed. "I wouldn't give her that information anyway."

Eli gently squeezed her calf. "I know you wouldn't. I trust you, kitten. As long as she knows I'm not sitting down for an interview with her, then I'm fine with it."

Holly battled down another wave of guilt. At least she could relax that Lyla wouldn't run and tell him about her suspicions. And no matter how bad she felt about not telling him about the pregnancy yet, she wouldn't ruin his celebration. It just wouldn't be fair.

"Are you hungry? I was going to order some pizza."

"That sounds wonderful," she admitted. Her nausea was gone, along with the indigestion.

"Want to watch Netflix?"

"Sure," she told him. "I'll meet you in the media room in a few minutes."

He leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips. "Good. Maybe we can Netflix and chill later. If you're up for it."

The way he was looking at her made her tummy flip-in a good way.

"There's a good chance I will be," she said, kissing him back.

He grinned. "Well, I know I'll definitely be up for it." Giving the side of her butt a playful smack, he kissed her forehead and stood. "See you out there."

After he left the room, she collapsed back against the pillow and fired off a text to Lyla.

Holly:He agreed to the story, but only if you pay me twenty-five percent of the agreed upon amount in exchange for my notes. And if you let me go from the Lucky Bounce immediately.

She was through dealing with Lyla, even if it meant it would be difficult to find a job without any good references.

Lyla:Fine. Send the stuff now.

Holly:No. Send the money to my account, and then I'll send you what I have. And what we agreed still stands, Lyla. You can't tell Eli anything.

A few minutes later, she got another text.

Lyla:I know what we agreed to, Holly. The money is in your bank account. Now send the freaking notes.

Holly checked her account, and sure enough, it had been deposited. Gathering up her notes, she attached everything to an email and sent it to Lyla.


Lyla:These better be good. Goodbye, Holly. And...good luck with how it all turns out for you. :-)

She frowned as she stared down at the screen. Lyla had never said one kind word to her, and she'd sure as hell never sent any emojis before. The nicest thing she had ever done was to help Penn get a job at the veterinarian's office. And she only did that to show Holly how well-connected she was in this town.

Sighing, she got up from the bed and scratched Miss's head. "Come find us when you want, Moo. We're going to relax and eat some pizza."