Mia, who looked slightly shaken by the scene, murmured something to Sam, then headed for the stairs.

"Do you guys think Sam's got something going on with the bartender?" Penn asked. "I thought I saw her at one of the games recently."

"I don't know, but he deserves someone who will treat him better than Shay," Zoe said. "I'm glad she's gone."

Holly took a sip of water. "Mia is cute. I hope thereissomething going on. Sam needs to forget about the Ice Queen."

"She is cute," Penn agreed. "And she seems sweet. Maybe we'll have a new WAG soon."

"You guys gossip more than a group of old ladies," Bella scoffed. "Maybe they're just friends. Or just hooking up."

"Maybe," Holly mused. Though from the way Sam looked at Mia, she thought there might be a lot more to it than that.

"Guys, I need to head out," Holly told the group. "I'm wearing down fast. Not sure if it's just the MG or excitement, but I'm wiped."

The pet sitter had agreed to stay with Miss until she got home, but she wanted to stop at Eli's mom's house and pick up the iPads.

Hopefully, there would be some good footage of his mother watching the game.

"It won't be long before I take off, either," Bella told her. "I've got a 10:00 am class tomorrow. No special dispensation for brothers winning the Cup, unfortunately.”

"Do you need a ride, Hol?" Penn asked.

"Nah, I've got Eli's SUV. Speaking of, where is he?"

Penn pointed down at the bar. Eli, West, Shaw, and Brandon were doing more shots. Eli's shirt was tied around his head.

"He's sauced." Holly shook her head. "Who is babysitting these guys the rest of the night? No one's driving, obviously."

"Uber for transportation, I'm sure," Penn said, laughing. "West's drunk as a skunk."

"I'm going to sneak out of here and shoot Eli a text once I'm home. He'll never let me leave without a huge production."

She stood and stretched her arms above her head. "Later, ladies. Go Kingsnakes!"

"Go Kingsnakes," they yelled, laughing.

Holly slipped down the stairs and through the club. Right before hitting the exit, she came face-to-face with Lyla.

Because of course.

Fuck, how did she even get in here?

"Well, well, well." Lyla brushed a chunk of blonde hair away from her face. "If it isn't Miss Kissy face. I saw the lip lock our favorite defenseman planted on you during the Cup celebration. Guess the jig is up." Lyla glanced at Holly's water bottle and smirked. "And now I know what your test result turned out to be."

"What the hell is your problem?" Holly asked. "Seriously, Lyla. What?"

"You're my problem. Ever since you became part of this inner circle of WAGs and players, your work has slacked off. It's a conflict of interest."

"Jesus. This jealousy is ridiculous," she said, shaking her head. “Enough, already.”

Lyla's face turned ashen, and she narrowed her eyes. "If you know what's good for you, you will shut your mouth."

Holly rolled her eyes. "And on that note, I'm leaving."

"No, you're not. You're going to take me to meet John Cohan."

She stifled a groan. John Cohan was attractive, there was little doubt about that, but he seemed to attract the wrong kind of women. First Shay and now Lyla.