He grinned. "Then let's get back out to the party. I've got more things to celebrate tonight than a Cup win."

Holly bit down on her lip as she opened the door. He wouldn't be celebrating when he found out she was pregnant.

But that wasn’t going to happen tonight, so she wasn’t going to dwell on it.

* * *

An hour later, Holly sat in one of the VIP rooms with Penn and a few of the other WAGs. Sam, Fally, and Ryder were busy doing shots at another table and passing around the Cup.

John Cohan joined the men, and she caught the usually serious-looking defenseman cracking a few smiles and joining in with their toasts.

Mia, the bartender from Callahan's, was working the VIP areas. She'd dropped off some drinks at their table, then went over to talk to Sam.

It was a chill vibe up here, and Holly welcomed it, especially after the intense moment with Eli earlier. Fatigue was setting in, and she knew she'd have to call it a night soon. Whether it was the Myasthenia Gravis or the pregnancy, she didn't know. Either way, she couldn't stop yawning.

Zoe sat up in her chair, staring straight ahead. "Oh, hell no."

Holly blinked, looking around. "What?"

"Look who's trying to slink into the VIP area."

She leaned forward and whistled. "Sam's ex-girlfriend, Shay. What the hell is she doing here?"

"I don't know, but Sam doesn't need this shit from her. Tonight, especially."

"How do you know he didn't invite her here?" Bella asked. "Maybe they're back together."

Zoe groaned. "God, I hope not."

"Sammy! Sammy, I need to talk to you." Shay waved at him from the entrance of the VIP area. A security guard blocked her way. "Please, Sammy. I love you. We really need to talk."

Sam glanced over at Shay, a stunned look on his handsome face. Mia frowned, then took a step away from Sam.

Huh. What was going on between those two?

Sam caught the eye of the security guard and shook his head, which set Shay off.

"You will talk to me this minute, Sammy! Don't you act like I'm not here. I won't put up with this bullshit from you!"

John Cohan stood up and headed toward Shay.

"Jesus, he's huge," Bella murmured, studying the six-foot-seven defenseman. "And hot. How did I not notice him before?" Bella pretended to fan herself. "That's a tall tree right there. And I know how to climb."

"Down, girl," Zoe said, laughing. "Your brother would kill you."

Shay's tune changed the moment John approached her. Holly smirked as she watched Shay turn on the charm. They couldn't hear what she said to him, but when John leaned over and whispered something in her ear, she went ghastly pale.

He stared down at her, and she shook her head, fleeing back downstairs.

"What the hell just happened?" Holly peered over the railing as Shay pushed her way through the crowd toward the exit. "What did he say to her?"

"Who cares? At least she's gone," Zoe said.

Co nodded in Sam's direction, and his relieved expression said it all.

"Guess that's that," Penn said. "Show's over."

"Mmm," Holly agreed.