Somehow, the Kingsnakes had managed to procure the entire club for their staff, friends, family, and more. She imagined there was lots of dough involved with that deal as well, since it hadn't been planned.

"I'm so glad Nic had the forethought to bring trash bags to the locker room to keep our purses safe from flying alcohol."

Holly smiled, thinking about how they'd all gotten doused with champagne. Seeing Eli drinking from the Cup had been worth it. He'd been so excited, grinning widely as West had held the trophy up for him to drink.

"They're going to be wasted for days," Hannah said, shaking her head. "I'm worried about their livers."

Penn started laughing. "I know. They deserve to let loose and have fun though. It's going to be a big, long party, for sure. I'm probably going to be pretty happy myself. What about you, Hol?"

Holly made a face. Pregnancy kind of killed the whole drinking thing. "Nope. I can't drink with my medicine, and it's bad for Myasthenia anyway. Mocktails and soda it is." She took another sip. "I'm not missing out. These are fantastic."

Tonight, her anxiety over the pregnancy was getting shoved to the back burner. She wanted to enjoy this, and if all she did was worry, she'd miss out.

The liquor was flowing, and the team was taking full advantage of it. Eli, West, and Shaw were doing shots at the bar, while some players hit the dance floor.

Bella chatted with Eli's twin sisters at a table nearby, and a few of the other guys and WAGs kicked back in the VIP rooms.

"West just texted me. He wants to know where we are. Apparently, Eli's looking for you."

Holly smirked. "Oh, really?"

"What's going on between you guys, Hol?" Hannah asked. "I saw the kiss he gave you tonight."

"No idea. When I figure it out, I'll let you know."

Penn gave her a pointed look as Eli pushed his way through a throng of people and stopped at their table. "You better."

"Hey ladies." He grinned down at them. "Having a good time?"

"Fantastic," Penn assured him. "Where's my man?"

"I think he's still talking to John Cohan over at the bar. I thought he was behind me." He tugged on Holly's sleeve. "Can I steal you for a few, Wilkes?"

"I guess so."

"Fireball shot," Gunnar hollered, walking by with a tray of shots. "Grab one, D."

Eli snatched a glass and downed it.

"How much have you had to drink?" Holly asked, amused.

"I'm buzzing, but not drunk yet." He held out his hand. "Come with me, kitten."

Penn gaped at her. "Kitten?" she mouthed.

Holly waved a hand. "See you guys in a bit. I have to see what my landlord wants."

Her best friend giggled. "Okay. I'm going to find my boyfriend."

Hannah stood. "Yeah, I better track down Brandon, too. Later, guys!"

* * *

Eli led her through the dark club and down a short side hallway to a door marked "Employees Only."

"Um..." she said, glancing around. "We aren't employees."

"It's okay. I've got connections."