Holly put a hand over her heart, sending a silent prayer to the Universe that what she'd discussed with Irena today would work.

It had to.

Nic walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Is this really happening? Really?"

"I'm pretty sure, unless it's the best dream ever."

Nic glanced over at her husband, who held the Cup on his lap. "This is the end of the line for Fally—he's done with hockey. He wants to go out on top."

"I don't blame him. But you can't think of it as an ending, Nic. You need to think of it as a new beginning."

"I'm going to need someone smart and sassy to take my place among the WAGs. I saw that kiss between you and Eli. Maybe that person is you, hmm?"

"No one could ever replace you, Nic."

"I still hope that you'll be next to join our little circle officially."

Holly glanced over at Eli. He fist-bumped Fally and laughed, then lifted the Cup again before taking it for another lap around the ice.

"I don't think it's going to be like that for me and Eli."

"You never know."

Holly put a hand on her stomach, then glanced over at him again.

There would be plenty of time to deal with everything going on between them—but not tonight.

Tonight was meant for celebration, and that's exactly what she planned on doing.


"Yo, where's Fally?" Eli asked as he and Caleb Steele walked down the corridor. "We need to celebrate this shit with some alcohol!"

Tristan Mattisson came out of the locker room holding two bottles of champagne above his head. "Let's fucking go, boys!" He peered past Eli and Caleb. "Wait, who's got the Cup?"

"Londs is giving Fal another spin around the ice with it," Ryder called from the end of the tunnel. "When he's done, it's time to party."

"Fucking right!" Eli raised his fist in the air. "Bring 'em in, Cap!"

Shaw came down the hall, laughing and clutching his stomach.

"What's so funny, Castle?" Eli cocked an eyebrow.

"Halonen is out on the ice dancing to our goal song with Klassy. Come on, you've got to see this. Christ, they're really horrible."

"Pass," Caleb said, waving his hands in front of him.

"Hally's dancing?" Eli followed Shaw back down the tunnel. "I gotta fucking see this."

Sure enough, Jere Halonen and Gunnar Klasson were entertaining the crowd with their hideous dance moves. They were awful, but their enthusiasm made up for it. The fans cheered and beat their fists on the glass, encouraging them to keep going.

"They're not even drunk yet," Shaw told him, snickering. "I can't wait to see what happens when they get a few beers in them."

Eli grinned. "Liquor isn't going to make them any better at dancing, I'll tell you that much."

Further down the ice, Sam London, wearing his Las Vegas Kingsnakes Cup Champions hat backward over his blond mop of hair, pushed Fally around in his wheelchair.

Fally pumped the Cup over his head, yelling and laughing as they went past the glass. Sam had his phone out and filmed the entire thing, pointing at Fally and mouthing his name. Soon enough, the crowd began to chant it.