When Ryder handed the Cup to Fally, Nic totally lost it.

Zoe wrapped her in a hug as the entire team cheered, throwing their fists in the air as Ryder pushed Fally on a victory lap around the ice. Fally beamed from ear-to-ear, letting out a cry of happiness as he pumped the Cup over his head.

"I want to hug every single one of those guys for winning tonight, " Nic said fiercely. "Every one of them. This means everything to Fally."

"They worked so hard to do this for him," Bella said, shaking her head. "They really wanted to make sure he got a chance to celebrate with them like he deserved."

Fally rolled up to Eli and passed the Cup over to him. Holly's heart felt full to bursting as his trademarked, cocky grin made an appearance. He lifted the Cup over his head, then brought it down to his lips for a kiss.

Madison and Tabitha shouted and clapped for their brother, and Penn gave Holly a smile.

"They did it," she murmured. "They really did it."

Holly wrapped an arm around Penn as Eli passed the Cup to West.

"Yeah, Curly Cue. They sure as hell did."

* * *

Not long after the guys all got a turn with the Cup, the families were allowed onto the ice to celebrate with the players.

Holly stood in the middle of the action, among the TV cameras and journalists, the family, friends, and staff, looking around in wonder. No way did she ever think she'd be standing here a few months ago.

Eli stood nearby, talking to Shaw and his brother. When he looked over and caught her eye, the pride she felt for him overwhelmed her. Her emotions caught in her throat, and she could barely speak as he skated up to her.


He cut her off, sweeping her into a gigantic hug and spinning her around. But it was the kiss that came after—the sweet, soft, gentle kiss—that knocked her for a loop.

A kiss in front of the entire arena and a million video cameras, and who knows how many people who were watching at home.

But she couldn't be mad at him for it, because the pure happiness on his face was something she'd never forget.

"I'm so proud of you," she whispered, hugging him fiercely. "So, so proud."

He pulled back to look at her, brushing a few strands of hair away from her face. "That means everything to me, kitten. Everything. I'm so glad you're here. You have no idea."

"Eli!" His sisters rushed up to him, their moment cut short as she stepped back to let him enjoy some time with his new-found family.

To her surprise, Troy was waiting behind the girls, and he shook Eli's hand. The pride on his father's face was evident, even if their relationship—or lack of one—remained. Eli was polite and respectful, and that made her even prouder of him.

"Eli, may we grab a few words with you?"

A well-known sports journalist for the Kingsnakes waited next to a camera crew to speak to Eli.

"Yeah, sure."

His sisters stepped away to introduce Troy to Hannah and Bella, but Holly lingered nearby, wanting to listen to the interview.

It was all the typical sports questions: how does it feel to win, what does it mean to you, etc. But when the reporter asked if there was anything he wanted to say to his family, Eli went quiet for a few beats before speaking.

"I'm lucky enough that my sisters are here tonight to celebrate with me, and though I didn't grow up with him, my biological father is here as well. But I want to say something to my mother."

He swallowed, then looked at the camera. "My mom couldn't be here tonight. She has Alzheimer's disease, and things have been really challenging for her, especially this past year. I just want her to know that I wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for everything she did for me. When I was a kid, my mom took me to practices before it was even light out. She was at every game. She stayed up late to help me with homework. All she ever wanted was for me to live my dream of playing professional hockey. Every single thing she did for me was what got me here."

His eyes welled up, and he blinked hard. "Mom, I love you so much. This win, this Cup, my career, and everything I am, it's for you—and because of you. All I ever wanted to do was make you proud. I hope that I did."

He nodded at the interviewer then skated off to collect himself.