"And Eli got an assist!" Madison said, hugging Holly, then her sister. "I'm so proud."

"Me, too," Tabitha said excitedly. "This is crazy."

Holly smiled. "Me, three. Make sure to tell him how proud you are, guys, when this is all said and done, whether they win or not. I know he'll appreciate that."

"Oh, don't worry. He's gonna hear it," Maddie declared.

For the next six minutes, the crowd screamed and chanted and stomped their feet.

West made one stellar save against Tampa Bay's captain, but the Kingsnakes worked hard to cut off their opponent’s scoring opportunities.

"Ten seconds," Penn whispered, squeezing Holly's hand.

The crowd began to chant as the Kingsnakes stood up on the bench, anxiously waiting for the period to end.

When the buzzer went off, the guys piled over the bench, sticks tossed, helmets ripped off, and gloves abandoned. They raced down the ice toward goaltender West Keller, attacking him and each other with hugs as they jumped up and down, screaming and laughing.

Confetti cannons blasted orange, white, and blue streamers into the air, and the crowd continued their chants as it rained down over the arena.

"They did it!" Hannah yelled, tears streaming down her face. "They fucking did it!"

"Fally's going to lift the Cup." Holly reached over and grabbed Nic's hand. "He's going to lift it, Nic!"

Nic was crying so hard she could barely speak. "It's all he's ever dreamed of. Look, he's down there already. I see him at the tunnel entrance."

Holly brushed away a few tears of her own as Eli held his arms out, a huge smile on his face, and embraced Ryder.

"Tampa Bay kicked ass," Bella said as the dejected-looking team gathered at center ice to wait for the Kingsnakes to begin the handshake line. "They have nothing to be ashamed of."

"It just wasn't their time. It was ours." Penn threw her hands in the air and let out a loud whoop. "My boyfriend is a champion!"

Holly hugged her, laughing. "Yes, he is."

The crowd watched as the guys shook hands with the entire Tampa Bay team, then as they got their Las Vegas Kingsnakes Cup Champions hats.

"It's almost time for the Cup to be brought out," Tabitha said, jumping up and down.

"First they have to give the award to the MVP of the series," Madison replied. "Who do you guys think will get it?"

"I think it will be Ryder," Penn told them. "He was stellar the entire series."

"I honestly have no idea," Nic said, shrugging. "I'll say Ryder, too."

When the commissioner of the league announced Ryder as the MVP, Zoe let out a little giggle. "That's my man!"

"He deserved it," Hannah leaned forward and grinned at Zoe.

Tabitha pointed. "Look, they're bringing out the Cup!"

The whole crowd cheered as the handlers carried out the trophy and set it on the table.

The commissioner started to speak again, and Penn stomped her feet impatiently. "Come on, enough with the speech. Just let him lift it!"

Finally, Ryder stood in front of the trophy table with a huge smile on his face. He lifted the Cup above his head, skating toward his teammates with a yell of triumph.

"I'm gonna cry again," Zoe said, her lower lip quivering. "That smile is priceless."

Ryder took a quick lap around, then stopped in front of Fally, who sat in his wheelchair, looking up at his friend.