"I'm here, and I'm ready, ladies!"

Nic stood on the stairs at the end of their row of seats, wearing her satin jacket with Fally's name and number on the back. She held her beer in the air and grinned.

"Nic!" Penn shrieked, waving. "We've missed you here at the games so much!"

Holly nodded. "It hasn't been the same without our resident smartass. Welcome back."

Zoe peeked around from behind Nic, a smile on her pretty face. "You've done a great job filling in for her, Holly. But yeah, it's great to have her back."

"We really did miss you, babe," Hannah agreed.

"Speak for yourself," Bella mumbled, then gave Nic a wink.

"Is Fally up in the press box for the game?" Holly asked.

"Yeah, for now." Nic plopped down next to her. "Depending on how things play out, I'm sure he'll move to the lower level later, if need be."

"Talk about not wanting to jinx things," Penn joked. "If they win. Say it, Nic. If they win."

Nic shook her head. "Nope, not tempting fate after what Fal's been through."

"Don't worry. They're going to win." Bella took a sip of her pop. "You guys know I'm always right."

Holly spied two girls standing on the stairs, peering down at their tickets.

"Madison! Tabitha!" Holly waved at Eli's sisters. "Over here."

"Holy crap, they look just like Eli," Penn said, her jaw dropping. "The resemblance is insane."

"Wait, Eli has sisters?" Nic asked, staring at Holly. "What the hell did I miss?"

"A lot," Holly said, smirking. "He didn't know he had sisters until recently, but they are great girls."

Holly waved a hand. "Everyone, these are Eli's twin sisters, Madison and Tabitha. Maddie, Tabby, this is Zoe O'Bryan, Nic Falanov, my best friend, Penn Foster, Hannah Hendrix, and Bella Lear."

Madison laughed. "I'm going to forget all of those names in five seconds. But hi, guys! We're happy to be here."

"Very happy," Tabitha said.

"Do you guys want to sit next to Holly? I don't mind. Zoe and I can move down," Nic offered.

"If you don't mind." Maddie tucked a lock of dark hair behind her ear. "Thanks."

After everyone was settled, Nic leaned over to talk to the twins. "You guys look so much like your brother. It's wild."

"Except for the eyes," Holly pointed out. "Eli's are brown."

"Strong family genes," Tabitha told Nic.

"How come we haven't seen you guys at a game before now?" Zoe asked them.

"Eli tried like crazy to get us tickets, but it was next to impossible. He finally snagged these two for us," Maddie explained. "We're really excited to be here. We haven't been to any playoff games before now."

"You guys are hockey fans, then?" Hannah asked the girls.

Tabitha nodded. "Huge. We're Toronto fans originally, but now, we're total Kingsnakes fans. We have to support our brother."

"Hi." Bella waved at the twins. "Brandon Lear is my brother. It's cool to meet some sisters close to my age."