"I know you haven't decided whether to let me use the information on the twins and your father coming back into your life in the feature, but you need to consider it. We don't have to go seriously in-depth on your past, but I think it's important."

"I'm leaning that way."

"Good. So in case we do go that route... now that you've gone through so much with your own family, has it changed your outlook on what you want for your future?"

He poured vinaigrette on his salad, then glanced over at her. "What do you mean?"

"Finding out that your dad fathered two daughters, and getting to meet your sisters... did that change your opinion on having your own family someday? Your own children?"

He made a face. "Hell, no. I love that I've gotten to meet my sisters. Knowing I have family besides my mom has been life changing. But no, I still don't want anything to do with having kids. That's never going to change."

Holly's heart leaped into her throat, and she swallowed hard. "Why not? You're great with kids."

Eli chuckled. "Because I want to have a life, Wilkes. One that involves travel and excitement. Picking up and going somewhere at a moment's notice. A girlfriend or wife? Now that I can see. But kids aren't my deal. I like them, but I like that I can hang out with them and leave, you know? They're noisy and messy. And babies cry and scream. To be honest, the whole thing sounds like a fucking nightmare. Can you imagine me changing a diaper? Fuck, no."

"No, I guess not." She pushed away her bowl of chicken and dumplings. The meal had turned to a giant rock in her stomach, making her queasy. Whether it was from hormones or what he'd just said, she didn't know.

Probably both.

"Are you okay?" Eli asked, frowning. "You look kinda pale. Do you think you're coming down with something?"

"I'm fine."

If she decided to have this baby, she'd be doing everything on her own. It made her sad, because she knew he'd be a great father. But having this child also meant something else—they wouldn't have a future together.

It was obvious that him wanting to be her boyfriend didn't mean that he wanted to be with her long term. If that was the case, he might consider whatshewanted for her future, too.

But Eli Donnelley didn’t focus on the future. He was a here and now kind of guy. Why she thought being with him might end in some happily ever after scenario, well... it was foolish thinking on her part.

"Any more questions?" he prodded.

"No, not now."

She had all the answers she needed. They just weren't the ones that she wanted.


Holly had just finished spreading mayonnaise on the bread of her turkey and cheese sandwich when the lock to the penthouse door clicked.

"Eli's home for his game-day nap, Moo."

Miss opened one eye as she lazed on one of the comfy, high-backed stools next to the island.

"Want to say hello?"

The calico yawned as Eli walked into the kitchen, then let out a tiny meow.

Eli laughed and set his keys down on the counter. "Hey to you too, fuzzball."

"We're just making a sandwich," Holly told him. "Did you eat at the rink?"

"Yep, I'm good." He took a seat next to Miss as Holly took a bite of her sandwich.

"This needs potato chips." Holly grabbed a bag from the pantry. "And a candy bar."

Eli snorted. "You're insane over those candy bars."

She shrugged. "Eh, I've got no other vices. I figure this is allowed."