Though never when she was on the pill.

She'd been late taking it only once since sleeping with Eli, and she'd taken it four hours later, the moment she'd remembered. Surely a few hours couldn't make that much of a difference. Though it was a progestin-only pill, so maybe it did. Hadn’t her gynocologist mentioned something about a safe window of time?

Fuck. How could she forget something that important?

Still, with everything going on in her life, her cycle might have been screwed up, pill or no pill. With the fire, those guys harassing her, and the Myasthenia Gravis diagnosis, her stress levels were off the charts. And stress messed with everything.

Holly quickly hung up her purse and did her business. It wasn't like she was weeks late. It was just a few days, and that was too early to panic.

When she was through, she hurried over to the sink to check her appearance and wash her hands. Tomorrow, she'd grab a pregnancy test before she and Penn caught their flight to Tampa.

Easy peasy.

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, she stared at herself in the mirror and sucked in a breath. This was the last thing she needed on top of everything else right now.

It was time to send some negative pee-stick vibes out into the universe. Because after everything she'd been through lately, she didn't think she could handle the alternative.


"Shit," Holly muttered, staring at the endless options of pregnancy tests on the pharmacy shelf. Why did there have to be so many choices?

Deciding to make it easy on herself, she grabbed a box that gave a digital reading ofPregnantorNot Pregnantdirectly on the test.

The last thing she needed to do was try to figure out whether there was a second line. She'd been through that before in college, and after three inconclusive tests and a massive headache, she'd given up and gone to the campus health center to get answers.

As she rounded the corner on her way to the cash register, she came nose-to-nose with Lyla.


Lyla slid her designer sunglasses on top of her head, and glanced down at the box in Holly's hand.

"Well, what do you know? If this doesn't confirm my suspicions that you and Eli Donnelley are more than friends, nothing will. How long have you been fucking him, Holly?"

Don't make a scene. Don't make a scene.

Though she'd really love to grab Lyla by the hair and pop her right in the nose. She totally deserved it.

"You're jumping to conclusions," Holly said, doing her best to remain calm. "I have a social life outside of the Kingsnakes, you know. An active one."

"It's true that you used to," Lyla agreed. "But you need to remember who you're dealing with, honey. Despite the damning evidence in your hand, I don't need it to confirm you're messing around with him. I've got my own spies in place. You've been staying with him since your apartment burned down. Hanging out with him. Going to dinner with him at Regal."

Son of a bitch. She knew.

She knew everything.

Holly opened her mouth to reply, and Lyla held up a hand.

"I know the score, so don't try to deny it. I've just been trying to figure out the best way to put my knowledge to good use."

"You've been spying on me?" Holly shot her a withering look. "That's so pathetic."

"No, it's smart." Lyla replied. "Knowledge is power. And I like power."

"Wow, I never would have guessed."

"I should have been the one to get that feature. That assignment should have been mine. Eli should be with me, not you, Holly."

Oh, thisbitch.