But his friend was already asleep.

Eli slipped out the front door after waving to Nic, who was talking on the phone.

Walking toward his SUV, he heard Fally's words echoing in his head:

Bring it home to Vegas where it belongs.

They weren't wrapping up the postseason without that shiny silver trophy. Whatever they had to do to get Fally the Cup, they would do it. Even if they were beaten, bloody, and bruised when it was all over, he was going to go out on top.

Like a fucking champion.

Just two more wins, and they were going to take it all.

* * *

The horn blew, signaling the end of game four, and Kingsnakes fans leaped to their feet, stomping and screaming.

"One win away," Penn cried, hugging Holly as the crowd in the Nevada Arena chanted, "We want the Cup! We want the Cup!"

"I can't believe it. I thought for sure we were going to lose," Holly said, returning her hug.

The Kingsnakes were down 3–0 by the end of the first period. Tampa had capitalized twice on the power play and managed a lucky bounce at the start of the second period. But Kingsnakes defenseman John Cohan had scored two minutes later with a cannon blast from the blue line.

After that, the team was on fire. The game ended 5–3, with Ryder scoring twice and a goal a piece from winger Sam London and center Tyler Quinn.

"I have to pee really bad," Penn said, hopping back and forth. "Let's stop in the bathroom before we go to the family room."

"I could use a pit stop," Holly admitted. "Let's go."

They waved to Hannah, Bella and Zoe, who were chatting with Bella's parents.

"See you guys down in the family room," Penn called. "Gotta make a stop first.

They squeezed their way through the lingering, still hyped up crowd and found the closest bathroom. Thankfully, the line was only five people deep. Most of the fans were still in the stands, waiting to see the three stars of the game.

"I shouldn't have had that extra-large pop," Penn complained, rocking back and forth on her feet. "I'm going to burst." Sighing, she opened her purse and rifled through it. "Babe, do you have an extra tampon?"

Holly froze, staring at her friend.

"Hol?" Penn asked, frowning. "Are you okay?"

"What? Oh. Uh, let me check." She quickly unzipped her purse and pretended to search. "Sorry. You'll have to hit up one of the girls when we get to the family room."

"No biggie."

One of the bathroom stalls opened and Penn heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank God. Meet you outside the doors when you're finished."


Her friend hurried toward the open stall, and Holly pulled her phone from her pocket and tapped the app she used to track her periods. Scanning the calendar for the little heart that signified when her period was due, she stared down at the screen.

Five days ago. Her period should have been here five days ago.

"Fuck," she whispered, shoving the phone back into the front pocket of her jeans.

A stall opened, and she hurried inside.

Okay, five days wasn't that late. She'd been late before.