"Nic stocked some beverages and snacks in this thing, so I'm not trudging back and forth to the kitchen. Half the time I'm so doped up on pain meds, I think she's afraid I'll fall down and break something else."

"Nah, I'm good." Eli took a seat on the couch. "It's a sweet setup, though. She's worried about you."

Fally gave him an amused look. "And you aren't? At least you look better than Ryder. He stopped by earlier. Couldn't stop wringing his hands when I told him I'm probably done."

Eli stretched his legs out in front of him, then ran a hand over his beard. "I'm not going to lie, Fal. We're all worried."

"Is that why it took you five minutes to get out of your SUV?"

"Yeah, it is. I'm frustrated, pissed off, and sad. I didn't know how you were handling the news. If I feel like this, how the fuck mustyoube feeling?"

"It's not a hundred percent that I won't be back. I'll know more soon. But my knee is just shattered, man. There's so much fucked up in there. It's a straight up horror show, especially since I've had trouble with that knee a few times in the past."

"Fuck. Fal, I'm so goddamn sorry. I really am."

"I know. The doctors are being honest with me, and I appreciate it, but I haven't really processed everything yet."

"I don't know what I'd do if I were in your position," Eli told him. "It's a shit-ton to deal with."

"Hockey's been my life for how long now? If I don't come back, it's going to be a huge adjustment, that's for sure. I didn't give much thought to my life beyond hockey because I thought I had a few good years le—"

Fally's voice broke, and it was like getting punched in the stomach. Eli squeezed his eyes shut, trying to remain composed.

His friend took a swig of his water, then cleared his throat. "Anyway, now I don't know what to think."

"It's not going to be an easy adjustment. Though you've got N's restaurant and a kid to raise," Eli told him. "You have a life outside of hockey."

"N's is mostly Nic's baby. And yeah, Luke will keep me busy. But D, it's not enough for me. I'll have to do some soul searching if it comes down to it." Fally pointed the water bottle at him. "Moral of this story? Think about what you want to do after hockey before you're forced to think about it. It will be a hell of a lot easier in the long run."

"I wouldn't even know where to start.”

"I think you would be a natural for broadcasting," Fally told him. "Good looking, funny, and great with an audience. That's an option."

"Ugh, no way." Eli held up a hand. "No fucking way. You're the one who would be good at that, not me."

"Maybe. Who the fuck knows?" Fally glanced down at his watch, then sighed. "Gonna be real honest with you, D. I'm due for a dose of pain meds, and I'm usually out like a light within a few minutes. This shit is strong."

"Is the pain that bad, Fal?" Eli asked, concerned. "Do you need it?"

"It definitely doesn't fucking tickle," Fally admitted, downing a pill and washing it down with water. "Hopefully I won't need to be on them long, though. Just to get through the worst of it. Nic's been such a star through this whole ordeal, but she always is. Taking care of Luke, me, running N's from her phone. She's always on call for something or someone. I'm lucky."

"Yeah, you are. You got a good one," Eli agreed. "She thrives on being in charge."

"She does."

Fally's eyes began to droop, and Eli stood up from his seat on the couch. "I'm gonna head out, Fal. You look like you're going to crash."

"It normally doesn't hit me quite so fast, but I'm wiped out today. I need a nap."

"If there's anything you need, tell me what I can do, okay?"

Fally blinked, then inclined his head. "Yeah. There's something you can do. Something everyone can do. Win this fucking series. Do whatever it takes. Two more wins, that's all. Two more wins and it's ours, D."

Eli swallowed hard. "I hear you. You're going to lift that Cup, bud. I promise."

"Take what's ours, and bring it home," Fally murmured, closing his eyes. "Bring it home to Vegas where it belongs."

"We're going to, Fal. Don't worry, okay?"