"Then we’d happily accept. I hope we can see you play!" Tabby said.

He and Holly hung out outside with them while they waited for their Uber, and once they were inside the car, they rolled down the window and waved.

"Go Kingsnakes!" Madison yelled, and Tabitha laughed. "Bye, Eli."

He waved at them, unable to hide his grin, then turned to Holly as the car pulled away. "So this is what it's like to have sisters?"

She smirked. "I wouldn't know. I don't have any myself. But I think they like you just fine."

Eli shoved his hands in his pockets. “As pissed off as I am at my old man, I can’t thank him enough for those two." He shook his head. "And I have you to thank, too."

Holly frowned. "Me?"

"Yeah. You brought me the letters to read. Knowing that you had read them mademewant to read them." He tipped her chin up. "I can't thank you enough for that. Ever."

"I'm glad this day ended on a happy note for you."

He slung an arm around her shoulders as they walked to the car. "Me, too. I sure as hell needed some happiness. Now, we just need to win this series, and I'll be even happier."


Eli pulled up to Nic and Fally's house and killed the engine of his SUV. He was exhausted, but relieved that the Kingsnakes had won at home last night for the third game of the series. They’d won the first game in Florida and had lost the second, so last night’s win had put them ahead.

Just two more wins to go.

Glancing over at the front door, he gripped the steering wheel tightly in his hands. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead, and he wiped them off with the edge of his t-shirt.

"Fuck, get it together, Donnelley."

Ryder had taken their core group out to lunch at Callahan's today after practice and delivered the shitty news about Fally, killing the high they’d been riding over last night’s win.

Fally was almost certain that his hockey career was finished. He wouldn't outright confirm it, but Ryder told them he'd put the odds at eighty-five percent. But he wanted to weigh the options and talk to his doctors, surgeons, and anyone else involved before saying for sure.

Eighty-five percent was pretty high. All because of that dirty hit that had caused the run-in on the ice.

Eli slammed his hand down on the steering wheel, rattling off a string of curse words.

It just wasn't right. He always liked to tease Ryder, Fally, and Brandon about their age. But thirty-one was too early for a guy like Fally to be done. Not with his talent and love for the game.

His phone beeped with a text, and he grabbed it off the passenger seat.

Nic:Are you coming in, or are you going to sit out there all day? Fal's getting suspicious. He saw you drive up.


Hopping down from the vehicle, he adjusted his ball cap and walked to the front door. Before he lifted his hand to knock, Nic opened it.

"Well, what a surprise." She gave him a wry look. "Go on in the living room. He's hanging out there."

"How's he doing?"

She turned him around and gave him a gentle push into the living room. "He got hit in the knee, Eli. Not the mouth. Ask him yourself."

Fally was kicked back in his leather easy chair with his leg in some kind of wild looking brace. Crutches leaned against the wall nearby. Other than his messed up hair and weary expression, he looked okay.

"Look at this setup." Eli walked over to him. "Better than the hospital, eh?"

"Been in and out of that place way too much lately," Fally replied, giving him a fist bump. "You want something to drink?" He nodded at a small fridge set up on the end table.