"And I'm studying to be a vet tech," Tabby replied.

"My best friend is a vet tech. She loves her job," Holly told Tabitha. "She's planning on going to school to be a veterinarian eventually."

"Really? That's awesome. I love animals. I walk dogs and pet sit to make extra money right now," Tabby said.

"We better decide what we're ordering before the waitress returns," Holly told the group. "Everything looks good, so it might be tough to choose."

After placing their orders, the girls filled him in on what it was like to grow up in Toronto, and he told them all about growing up in New York.

To his unspoken relief, it was more than easy to talk to them. They were total chatterboxes.

Madison was more outgoing than Tabby, who seemed to get shy when speaking about certain subjects. And during the meal, they kept finishing each other's sentences, which cracked him up.

"So, um... are you good friends with Caleb Steele?" Madison asked, taking a bite of her chicken.

Tabby rolled her eyes. "Here we go."

"What?" Maddie gave Tabby a defensive look. "Come on, I had to ask."

"She has a super crush on Caleb," Tabby confided. "She has since he played for Toronto."

Holly snickered. "I'm sure Eli can introduce you to Caleb sometime."

"You're way too young for Caleb," Eli protested, feeling slightly panicked. "He's my age."

"I don't want to date him," Maddie said, shrugging.

"Liar," Tabby teased.

"I just want to meet him. And talk to him. And maybe get a selfie." Maddie swiped a French fry off of Tabby's plate. "It's no big deal."

Holly patted Eli on the shoulder. "Welcome to being a big brother. Now you get to protect your sisters from your flirty friends."

"God help me," he muttered, running a hand down over his beard. "Especially when it comes to my friends."

Madison grinned. "We're kind of double trouble. Well, I'm trouble, anyway. Tabby's the sweet, innocent sister."

Tabby made a face. "Pretty sure that means boring."

The girls grilled him about his life in the League until the waitress brought the check. He had to admit, it was a fun visit. They were funny and loved to tease each other, and he was beginning to feel like a brother when they teased him, too.

Glancing down at his watch, he sighed. It was time to head back to the hotel. "I'm sorry, girls, but I need to be heading out. Game one is tomorrow, and I don't want to miss curfew. Coach will have my ass."

"We have to get your number!" Madison said, pulling out her phone.

"Ooh, for sure," Tabby agreed.

After they exchanged numbers and he paid the check, they stood up from the table.

"This was the best day," Tabitha said shyly, giving him another hug. "Thanks so much for meeting with us.

"The very best day! I can't believe we have a brother. You're probably going to be sick of us soon," Madison joked.

"Never," he murmured, overcome with emotion. He pulled them both into another hug. "I’m going to try and get you guys tickets to a game or two. It’s a little crazy right now because there aren’t a lot to go around. The players are all vying for a small, reserved amount of seats. If I manage to score some for a game in Vegas, would you guys come? I’ll pay for your flight and hotel."

“We couldn’t ask you to do that,” Madison protested.

“I’d do it because I want you there. You’re family,” he said gently.