"I will." He glanced over at Holly. "You ready?"

"Not really," she said honestly. "But I don't want to be late. Let's go."

* * *

Forty-five minutes after they'd arrived at her appointment, a middle-aged woman with red hair beckoned at Holly from a nearby door. "Ms. Wilkes? Dr. Walston can see you now."

"Um." She glanced over at Eli, fighting off a surge of panic. "Can my... boyfriend come back with me?"

Eli cocked a brow, and she shrugged. "It's easier this way."

"If you like," the woman told her. "Right through here."

After getting her blood pressure, pulse, and temperature taken, she was led into an exam room and given a gown to change into.

Eli took a seat on a chair in the corner.

"Are you doing okay, kitten?" he asked, giving her a concerned look.

"Yeah." She pulled on the gown and folded her clothes, setting them on the chair next to Eli. "I hate these stupid gowns."

The doctor knocked a few minutes later, then entered the exam room. "Hello, Ms. Wilkes. I'm Dr. Walston." He glanced at Eli; his bushy eyebrows raised in surprise. "It's not every day that I have a professional hockey player in my office. Congratulations on winning your series, Mr. Donnelley."

"Thank you."

"Eli's my boyfriend," she explained. "I hope you don't mind that he's here."

"Not at all. Ms. Wilkes, fill me in on what's been going on with you?"

Holly told him about all of her symptoms, and what she'd experienced because of them. The doctor listened intently, taking notes while she talked.

"All right. And I must ask, is there any chance you might be pregnant?"


He glanced down at his notes. "Right now, I'm going to run through a series of tests with you for muscle tone, strength, reflexes, balance, and more," he said, peering at her over his thick glasses. "Okay?"

She nodded. "Yes, that's fine."

After she completed that series of tests, the doctor conducted a nerve stimulation test, where they placed electrodes on her skin to test her muscles.

When they were through, Dr. Walston nodded at her clothes. "You can get dressed, and when you're done, come around the corner into my office, and we'll have a chat."

Stripping out of the gown, she glanced over at Eli, who gazed at her solemnly. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Let's get this over with," she muttered, slipping into her skirt and top. Though the tests hadn't been invasive, she was mentally and emotionally drained. All she wanted to do was get this over with and go home.

"Hey." He grabbed her hand as she headed for the door.

"Yeah?" She peered over her shoulder at him.

"You're the strongest woman I know, but feel free to lean on me if you need to." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then winked. "Besides, that's what boyfriends are for, right?"

"See, I was going to hug you for saying something so sweet, but then you had to go and ruin it." She took his hand as they walked out of the exam room. "Let's go see what this guy has to say."

The doctor gestured toward two chairs in front of his desk when they entered his office. "Have a seat."

"So..." Holly said. "Any idea what's going on with me?"