Page 106 of The Fool

But before we could actually make it to the airport, Keene’s phone rang.

It was Simi’s face on the screen when he answered, but it was all of them when he pulled his phone away from his face with a jerk.

“You brought your soon-to-be-wife in to go fly all over the world, saving people in the hopes of making our father’s sins less, and you don’t let your sisters try to make amends, too?”



“Don’t Simi me,” Simi grumbled. “That’s so not nice, and you know it!”

“Y’all have kids. And zero combat experience,” Keene countered.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t help in other ways,” Tony countered.

“How?” Keene asked, sounding annoyed. “How exactly would you do this?”

“We could, I dunno, tie them up or something.”

“You could get yourselves killed, and then your husbands would string me up by my balls and kill me,” Keene countered.

“You’re so overly dramatic.”

“I’m not,” Tony argued.

“All I want to know is if she said yes or not yet,” Val asked. “I’m more than aware that I’m not a fighter, but a lover. I’d probably get us all killed.”

“I haven’t asked her yet.” Keene side-eyed me.

“Well do it. Now. We want to hear what she has to say,” Hades said. “Hey, Ande. Will you tell him yes when he finally asks you? We deserve a nice sister-in-law.”

My lips were tipping up hard at the corners.

Keene studied the ceiling of the black suburban we were in.

“Well come on. Ask me,” I teased.

I was so in love with Keene that he could’ve just handed me the ring and I would’ve been happy.

Instead, he pulled over and got out.

Heart in my throat, I watched him round the hood of the truck and walk toward the back passenger side door.

Giddy now, I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned just as he opened the door.

Shayne let out a small squeal behind me, and I knew that she was probably just as excited as I was in that moment.

He caught me around the hips and guided me out of the truck. Once my feet were on solid ground, he let me go, reached into his pocket, and then dropped down on one knee.

“Since I was going to ask your dad for permission first,” there was a gaggle of laughs from his family who were on speakerphone, and Winston from the front seat. “I need you to keep this very, very quiet. Because I want him to like me since I’m keeping you forever.”

I snickered.

Then he was holding out a gorgeous diamond ring.

It wasn’t grand.

It wasn’t huge and flashy.