Page 101 of The Fool

“Love blinds,” Quinn said, reminding me that he was still there.

I looked at her brother and realized that Quinn would know.

He was in love with Shayne, after all. Whether he was willing to admit it or not.

Love made you do funny things sometimes.

“Do we have any leads?” I asked Quinn. “Were y’all able to find the vehicle?”

“The one that you said was missing from the yard was the one we found abandoned,” he admitted. “But they’ve narrowed him down to a single apartment building complex. Though, that complex has over a thousand apartments in it.”

I sighed, leaning my head against the crown of Ande’s head. “What a douche.”

“He’ll be found,” Quinn promised.

“I know he will,” I voiced. “That doesn’t change the fact that he had to be found in the first place.”

“I can’t believe the Air Force isn’t out here storming the banks,” Ande said.

“The Air Force hasn’t been informed yet,” Quinn admitted. “We wanted to keep this to only us at first… the Air Force will get him in the end, though. But we’ll get our licks in.”

There was a commotion, then Coffey entered the room with Simi on his heels.

“They found him,” Coffey practically beamed. “Or,Autry found him.”

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

“He left the apartment complex that he was cornered in… and get this. He went to the circus.”

We all burst out laughing.

If there was one place that I wouldn’t have gone, it was there.

“Are you telling me that out of all the places he could’ve gone… he went there.” I shook my head. “And Autry got him.”

“Autry not only got him, but Autry might’ve accidentally hurt him more than Ande did.” Coffey’s eyes gleamed. “And since we don’t know who would have gotten their licks in first—the military or civilian justice—Autry made sure that he was damaged either way.…Autry made sure that he’ll be damaged. For a long time.”

Turns out, Coffey’s words might’ve been very tame for what had actually occurred.

Watching the film of the encounter after all the police left—with an entire room full of family—we all sat in stunned silence as Autry gave an in-person reenactment of everything that had happened.

“So it goes like this…” Autry started. “I was walking the halls, doing my nightly check like always. Since we’d just gotten in, you know? So I’m going through everything, and I left the back door cracked because you know how I can’t fucking stand the ladies’ locker room. It is so strong smelling that I feel like I’m going to suffocate. So there I am, checking the trashes to make sure they were emptied, when there’s a loud bang. I turn around and see this little rat scuttle inside. I go to confront him, and he’s hiding in the stupid feather things that the ladies wear around their necks when they’re serving shit. I grab him out, and that’s when I notice who he is. But before I can react, he tries to strangle me with one of those boas. So I react accordingly.”

By ‘react accordingly’ he really meant that he beat the absolute snot out of Abraham.

Abraham gave as good as he got, which allowed Autry to take it a bit further than the police probably would’ve liked before he called it in.

After doing a checkup, Quaid informed us that Abraham had a broken femur—on both sides—two broken arms, and a laceration on his neck that caused a lot of blood loss.

To make matters worse, he suffered a lot of oxygen deprivation during that time… and the doctors weren’t certain what kind of brain function he’d have.

If there was any luck in the world… it would be low.

But one could only hope.


Adulthood is straight up the worst ‘hood’ I’ve lived in.