Page 99 of The Fool

I had to grit my teeth to stop from shaking some sense into her.

Was she really that clueless?

Or did she not realize the kind of danger she’d be in if she didn’t protect herself and the children?

Or were they all just so brainwashed that they didn’t see it?

“The police are here arresting your armed guard,” Winston said as he went to the window to inspect the people still trussed up outside of it.

“Are you going to talk to them?” Autry asked.

“I am,” Winston said. “LaDerrick, get the phones turned back on. Mission apparently is over.”

Winston went outside with whatever LaDerrick’s reply was.

I headed to the back door of the house where I’d be inspecting it before leaving.

I’d hoped that we’d find him here since he’d left Germany.

It was his only listed address.

Hell, even all of his life insurance went to the first woman we’d talked to. His original wife.

But apparently none of them believed in phones, nor did they believe in sharing anything with each other. It was as if they all lived independently from each other, which seemed impossible with such a small house. But whatever.

As I left, I inspected the industrial sized kitchen.

It was built to easily help feed a lot of people at once.

But since I could care less about whatever weird shit they had going on here, I left without thinking too hard about it.

When I got outside it was to see the large bald spot in the grass where a car had once been.

“Hey, Autry,” I said. “Ask one of them what car was here.”

Autry, having followed me out, went back inside.

He came back in looking white as a ghost before saying, “You need to check your phone.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and winced. “It’s dead.”

“Here,” he said as he handed me his. “Call your woman.”

I grimaced. “I don’t know her number off the top of my head.”

“Then call Simi.”

Heart in my throat, I went to the side of the house, then out the back yard gate, to spot Winston handing over his PI license to the cops there.

He kept gesturing at the criminals on the ground and waited for them to respond.

Meanwhile, I called Simi from Autry’s phone.

“Did you get him?” Simi asked on the first ring.

“I’m here,” I said. “What’s wrong?”

Simi explained everything.