Page 96 of The Fool

Upon his silent curse, he started moving me toward the front of the house.

And, because there was absolutely no way in hell I was going anywhere with him, I brought the gun around, aimed, and shot him in the foot.

He howled in pain as he started to bounce around the room.

I aimed the gun at him a second time, but the door burst open, and six very angry women filled it.

“What the hell is going on?” Val asked as she barged into the room first.

In the melee, Simi, one of the smallest of the group, was knocked over.

She hit the ground hard as Abraham tried to run out of the room.

Val reached for him, but he blew past them all, running to the left as soon as he was out the door.

“Call 911!” I screeched, gun still in hand. “He tried to kill me!”

• • •

There was a city-wide manhunt for Abraham McBride.

To say that the entire Dallas Police Department was out in full force would be an understatement.

Addison might not have been an actual police officer, but she was the daughter of two. Sister of seven.

The department would not let them down.

Then there was Folsom, freezing Abraham’s cards, turning his car off, and forcing him to take off on foot.

They had him narrowed down to downtown Dallas, and they would find him.

Meanwhile, wherever Keene had gone, he hadn’t heard the news yet.

He was still in the dark about what happened, and I had a feeling that when he found out, he’d lose his absolute shit.

So there I was, the entire room filled with Carters and no-longer-Singhs.

Well, some Carters, and some no-longer-Singhs.

Hades was out with Hannibal, who’d come in about an hour before and had promised they’d help search right along with the police.

Folsom was working directly with Coffey and Simi, who’d holed up in Keene’s spare room/office area.

I was on the couch watching a Hallmark Christmas movie in July—God, I loved the Hallmark Channel!—and my brothers, Quinn and Garrett, were also there.

The rest of them sans Gable were all out searching—even my father and mother, who were working at the police station running central command—leaving me wondering when the other shoe would drop.

“What do you think will happen when Keene finds out?” Crimson asked. “I can’t believe he and Winston aren’t answering. They’re so fired.”

“I think that they’ll probably lose their shit just about like we did,” Quinn suggested.

“Maybe more.” Garrett narrowed his eyes. “You know, because he’s actually aware of the danger in this entire situation.”

Okay, so I’d told them everything.

They hadn’t been happy to hear everything I’d left unsaid, even if it was for their own good.

Shayne, who was one of the only ones to know out of my actual ‘family’ had practically rubbed it in Quinn’s face, too. Making him a little more hostile than he probably would have had Shayne not gotten him riled up.