Page 78 of The Fool

But she didn’t complain.

She did leave me to the wolves, though.

“I’ll see you later.” She smiled.

She was mostly out the door when I called her name. “Ande?”

She stopped with the door cracked and looked at me. “I feel the same way, you know.”

“You do?” she breathed.

“I love you, too,” I said.

Her shoulders slumped. “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

“But you do.” I gestured for her to leave. “Text me when you get there.”

She left with a wave, and I knew she’d text me as soon as she got to the funeral home where they would be making the finalized plans for Addison’s funeral.

Tomorrow was the big day.

And it looked like I would fucking miss it.


This couldn’t be worse.

My thoughts screeched to a sudden halt when I saw my youngest nephew come into the room.

Of course it would be Nash.

“Umm,” I said as I saw the fish—the very dead fish—in Nash Jr.’s hands. “Whatcha got there, buddy?”

Nash held the dead goldfish up with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Fish!”

Merrit came barreling around the corner, looking horrified at what Nash was holding.

“He killed him!” Merrit bellowed. “He killed him, and he died, and he’ll be so dead. What do we do with his dead body?”

Overkill much?

“Ahhhh!” the next kid screamed. “Oh my God! She’s stealing his magic!”

“He’s not a fuckin’ elf,” I grumbled, feeling a headache coming on at the speed of light. “Only the goddamn elf can’t be touched, Aoife.”

Jesus Christ, they were all fuckin’ drama queens.

Just like their mothers.

“She’s so stealing his magic,” Alora, sweet little Alora cried. She had big, fat crocodile tears rolling down her face. “Oh my God. What are we going to do?”

I peeled the dead fish out of Nash’s hands, then walked to the bathroom and threw it in the toilet. Seconds later, it was flushed down into the Dallas sewer.

Which, I realized a few moments later, might’ve been a mistake.

“Oh my God!” Damine wailed. “We’ll never be able to use that toilet again! What if that fish comes back to life as a zombie and attacks my butt!”

And so it went.