Page 42 of The Fool

“Heard that he’s got a new team,” Quaid said, turning away from his sister finally, but letting me know with his words that he’d been listening to every word. “I have a few friends interested in volunteering their services if you’re ever in need of some helping hands.”

I’d pass it on to Winston, but he probably wouldn’t take Quaid up on the offer. The less people knew about the stuff we did, the better. At least, that was his thinking.

I kind of figured the more who knew about the shit we had to shuffle through to get to the saving kids side of the stream the better. If more people knew the state of the world they were living in, maybe the dumb mother fuckers might watch their kids better. Maybe if they knew… but that was laughable.

The sheer stupidity of some of the parents out there who just let their babies do whatever they wanted, with little regard to their safety, was dumbfounding. Even when a lot of them knew there was danger lurking around every corner.

I nodded. “Something we always need.”

But also, we had to be able to trust the guys we were working with. Not just anyone would be able to jump in and help.

“I’ll give him your number,” I offered.

“Why do you need his number?” Ande asked, finally coming back online enough to see what was going on around her.

When I looked over at her, it was to see her tear-stained face half-pressed against her brother’s chest, but she wasn’t crying anymore.

Again, I itched to go over and pull her into my arms.

It was a compulsion I didn’t want to ignore.

Yet I did.

It physically ached to stay where I was.

“So we can get to know him,” Quaid said, guessing correctly that I hadn’t shared yet about my life.

At least not all of it.

It was too important to share with just anyone.

I wasn’t even sure how these brothers knew, although my guess was Quincy, since I had heard Winston mention him.

But if they knew, it meant someone who did know trusted them completely.

It was a sobering thought, and one that also made my heart release some of the panic that was squeezing it to death.

“Why do I feel like you’re lying?” Ande rolled her eyes. “If you don’t want to tell me, just say that. I’m not some little girl who’s gullible anymore.”

“You’re gullible as hell,” Gable, the one who still had his arm wrapped around her, said. “Wasn’t it just last month you donated to that Officer Relief Foundation? Except, when you got the stickers in the mail, it wasn’t officers of the law, but officers of the South Dakota Soup Board?”

I snickered. “You didn’t.”

Ande’s face colored. “I have a soft spot for cops!”

That was my girl.

Always looking out for her own.

Ande’s face changed, and then she stood up and started running.

“Whoa,” Gable said, pressing his hand to his chest where his sister had just used her elbow to push away. “What’s she doing here?”

“She’s here for Ande, dummy,” I heard another brother say.

I turned to find a beautiful woman with long, curly brown locks with her arms around Ande.

The two of them were crying.