Page 103 of The Fool

Her brows lifted. “What do you mean?”

“I’m asking you to stay. Here. With me. In Dallas,” I said. “Stay with me. Let’s live our lives here. Let’s…”

“I need to work, Keene.” She rolled her eyes.

“I know you need to work.” I glanced over at her to see her tapping her lip with one finger. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t work here. You could work with a hospital here,” I offered.

She rolled her eyes.

Then I went in for the kill shot.

“If you stay, then you can come to work with us.”

• • •


I blinked at him.

“You wouldn’t mind me being there with you on dangerous missions?” I asked.

“I’d mind you being there without protection, sure,” he said. “But you’d never be without protection. You’d always have someone there to watch your back.”

The thought sounded intriguing.

It’d give me that sense of purpose I always got when it came to going to places that really needed me.

“I already applied for a position here,” I said. “With a friend.”

“That would actually work out very well. Would your friend work with us?” His eyes slid over to where my phone was. He’d seen the text from Shayne, obviously. “You think you can get her to work with us, too? Having our own pilot while we’re over there might very well be the difference between life and death.”

“How often do you think you’d need me?” I asked. “Can I still do this job?”

‘This job’ being the one I’d just taken with Angel Flight.

The owner of the company, Silas Mackenzie, was a man I’d met a few years ago while doing a few months’ travel contract in Mooresville, Alabama. Silas had been great to work with. And he’d promised me a job if I’d ever decided to settle down locally.

Hence me calling him up last week and asking for a job.

He’d given me one on the spot but told me that it would only be PRN—as needed—until we could find me a more permanent spot in the lineup.

I’d greedily accepted, knowing without a doubt that I wouldn’t be leaving Dallas ever again if I could help it, and he’d been ecstatic.

Apparently good help was hard to find nowadays, and he let me know that he was happy to finally have someone he could rely on.

But if I was helping out Winston and the rest of Keene’s team…

“Would he work with you?” he asked.

I thought about it.

I thought about the motorcycle club that I knew Silas was a part of—The Dixie Wardens MC. I thought about how he’d told me stories of all the woman in his club, how much trouble they’d all had when it came to crazy people.

And I realized that if I just told him everything we were doing, he’d have no problem in the world with offering me any time off I needed.

Even if that would make me a bit unreliable.

Plus, it wouldn’t just be me I was taking away, but Shayne, too.