Page 32 of Keep

Esther’s eyes flashed with fire, and she stood toe to toe with Sorin, his height making her look up, something I knew was novel for her. And though her eyes flashed, she wasn’t uncontrolled, not in the least. Instead, she seemed coolly detached, determined, uncaring that Sorin stared down at her with malice.

I moved quickly to intercede, worried about what Vasile might do, but at that moment more interested in putting distance between Esther and Sorin.

Sorin turned his eyes toward me, twisted his face in that easy smile that made my heart beat a little faster, but with worry not affection. “Can you believe this, Vasile? This scroafa has some nerve, eh?”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet. This ‘screwfa’ is about to?—”

“Esther! What are you doing here?”

At the sound of my voice, Esther tossed Sorin another dirty look and then ran to me.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Fawn! I thought that guy…”

She trailed off, the worry on her face, her furrowed brow telling me exactly what she’d thought.

“How did you find me?”

“Wasn’t too difficult. Fucking cops pointed me right to the door. Said it was my funeral if I dared come here. Pussies.”

Sorin laughed, but then quickly went quiet.

“And my guards? How did you get past them?” Vasile asked.

Esther looked at him briefly, then shrugged. “Wasn’t too hard. I just waited until they weren’t looking.”

Vasile’s face dropped as did my heart at the thought of what might have happened if she’d been intercepted.

“Esther, that was dangerous. You shouldn’t have…”

“I didn’t once, Fawn.” She shook her head emphatically. “Never again.”

Her brow was still furrowed with worry, but her lips were pursed and set into a stubborn line, and I could see her determination and her concern.

“I’m fine, Esther.”

She squeezed my hand and then looked first at Vasile, who stood silent, an indulgence I’d have to thank him for later, and then at Sorin scornfully.

“You sure?” she tossed out, not moving her eyes from Sorin.

“Yes,” I said.

She didn’t look convinced.

* * *


Sorin stared at the woman, and I could see the calculation in his brain. Fawn would be fine with her. Sorin, on the other hand, who knew how he would react?

“Come, Sorin. Let the women talk.” I headed toward the car, and Sorin looked as if he would protest but then followed behind me.

“Who the fuck is that? And how did she get here? And what makes her think we’ll tolerate her sticking her nose in where it doesn’t belong?” he asked.

“She was determined,” I said. “But that’s no excuse. I’ll need to talk to Oleg. I don’t like the idea of anyone getting this close so easily.”

“I like to talk. I’ll handle it,” he said with a grim little smile.

“Just to talk, Sorin. She’s harmless.”