Page 22 of Keep

“Do what? Put my foot down? Tell him I won’t let him use me? Make him commit?”

I stood silent, knowing that she was right. Sorin, Vasile, none of the men would do anything unless they wanted to. “You can’t make him, but you don’t have to…”

“But I want to, Fawn. I love him. And if sex is all he has to offer, I’ll take it,” she said, a tear slipping from her eye.

“Maybe one day he’ll come to his senses,” I offered, patting her thin hand.

“You’ve met Sorin, yes?” she replied, managing to shape her mouth into a smile.

I nodded.

“Then you know why I’m not counting on that,” she said.



I had only just dressed, and already I wanted to rip the suit and tie from my body. I hated this, playing dress up like children. We all knew what we were, and I never understood the need to pretend to be something else.

But I’d agreed to this, and I’d get through it. Oleg opened the limo door, and Fawn entered, folding herself into the seat with ease and grace.

My heart began to pound as I watched her, sheathed by the tight dress that both covered and revealed, making the valleys and curves of her body apparent to anyone. I had half a mind to send her back, but I wanted her with me, needed to prove this point once and for all.

“Did you pick that?” I asked flatly.

She chuckled. “Not ever. This is Natasha’s work.”

“I’ll have to talk with her.”

“She was only trying to help like you asked,” she said, but then she went quiet and stared out the window, watching as the city passed.

“I’m surprised she and Sorin aren’t with us,” she said after a while.

“He prefers his own transportation,” I said.

I continued to watch her, her hands twisted, her face set in a placid expression I now knew concealed a deep well of insight. And though she tried to hide it, I also saw fear.

“You’ve been to this type of meeting before?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes. Don’t worry. I know how this goes. I won’t embarrass you.”

I frowned at her implication. “He will be there,” I said.

Her eyes flew to mine, and I could see the panic spark in them.

“He cannot harm you. Won’t even dare try,” I said.

She was skeptical. Her expression said that and more. “You don’t know him. He might try anything. I never know what,” she said and then she looked away.


Head still averted, she did not meet my eyes.

“Fawn,” I repeated, voice firm. She finally turned to me.

“Do you know what happened when I took you, when you decided to stay?”

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head quickly.